Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The top 10 of My Blessed Life 2012

I am challenging myself to blog in each of my blogs almost every day, as I find every day to be a blessing.  This is the reason behind me wishing all of my readers a “blessed” day, week, month or year.   You will never know if saying just that one word makes a person’s day, week, or even month even more special.  That word can spread like wildfire, touches a person’s mind and soul all year through, and make them feel good inside.  It is called a kind word.
So I saw on another blog that I follow, a post, where the person listed their top 10 posts of 2012.  I thought, “Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I should write one.”  So with further ado, here are my top ten posts of 2012.

Did you read them?  I had fun writing them.  Some were funny, some were serious, and some were down so ridiculous, until I did not get no rating on them at all.  I have to laugh at the first one, since it received 565 views, while the follow-up to it received 23, LOL.  It goes to show that dance competitions are more important than beauty pageants and an overweight grown dance teacher screaming at students and their moms is more memorable than an overweight 6 year-old red-neck bring in lots of money from looking pretty.
I am taking this blog into a different direction than when I first started beginning January 1.  I want to have more writing prompts for the aspiring writer, inspirational writings, and a little less of the ones like Dance Moms and Honey Boo-Boo.  That is fine for any blogger who chooses to write like that, but I am more into the uplifting, get your brain to working-type of writing blog.  These posts will make you think.  I love writing things like “Are you a Cool Aunt” and “Monday Morning being Single and Childless”, because I want people to know who feels the same way that there is someone in their corner, rooting them on, and giving them encouragement.
I will also try to find more things like “Desiderata”, which is a poem I found, laminated in my condo.  I write in all of my blogs, but I am coming to find this to be the blog where I am finding my writing soul, that I am glad to share with the world.  Thank God for 2012, and I hope and pray that 2013 will bring you as much joy, happiness, peace stirring, and new prompts for writing as they did for 2012.
Be Blessed on this day, the rest of this year and into the next.   Happy New Year 2013.