Sunday, September 16, 2012

Writing assignment:how I spend my summer vacation.

Today,I want to focus my post on you,my readers.  If you are a writer,you will enjoy this assignment.  You do not had to turn this in,but if you keep a journal,this is perfect for you to look back and reflt.  So my question for you is, "How did you spend your summer vacation?".

I will start...

One of the things I used to love about summer was getting out of school.  I loved school,but there was something about not getting up everyday for the next 2 1/2 months always sounded appealing to me.  So when I became an adult,I knew my vacations like this were over,that is until this year.  This the first time in a few years,my vacation was full.  Being a work at home person does have it's rewards. For my reward this year,I spend one week at a family reunion,and one week in Canada.  I did bring materials in case I had a prospect client for either my papercrafting business or my Longaberger business.  Hey you never know.  I went on a very wet boat called Maid of the Mist.  I relaxed in at a camp and woke up to gun shot ringing in the air.  Do not worry,it was only an army troop practicing shooting at a firing range,and the cabin was far away. I walked,played with Canadian money,met A Hershey's kiss mascot.  I met family members who I never seen before. Yes,my summer vacation was fun and exciting.  Next stop,a cruise and Disney for 2013.

Now that fall will arrive on Saturday,I had fun.  For two years,I wanted to leave my city,my state,and heck my country,because I was tired of looking at the same thing over and over again. It was not because I hated where I live.  Heck,this is Buckeye Country here in Ohio.  The only thing missing is something from Disney,but hey,I will live.  God has blessed me and family to move from McGuire AFB,New Jersey,to Columbus,Ohio in 1977, and I am grateful of that move,because 4 years in the place is all that this former 12 year old could stand,and I hated when we moved moved from Southern California when I was 8 years old.

Coming back from a vacation like mine, makes me appreciate where I live,and love it even more.  It also makes me appreciate why we gave the restrictions we have in the USA,such as random car searches at the border,or requiring a parent's permission to get a piercing while you are a minor. Our car was the subject of a random car search at the US/Canadian border ( the computer selected us,how special ),my 16 year old nephew researched online that he could get a piercing without his grandparent's permission.  It backed fired on him,though,because he ended up getting them re-pierced at the mall down the street where they live. Mom let him re-do it.  It was good summer,reconnected back with family,and having a good time.

So now it is your turn.  This my challenge to you.  Write about your summer vacation or your summer if you did not go anywhere.  Let me know you did it in the comments below.

Be blessed every day.