Friday, January 11, 2013


The truth here is everyone loves shopping. People hunt for different apparels and search for branded items. This makes half the amount to go in vain. But, one should know the sneaky ways to save money. Shop for items you need but never waste money on un-wanted things. Here are few smart ways to save money on shopping.

Ø  Plan: Make a list of items which you wanted to purchase. This will allow you not to buy anything useless. So, plan before you run your errands which help to keep your spending minimum.
Ø  OrganizeSystematize yourself what to buy and then start shopping. The things which you buy un-seasonally will wet your pockets. Make a note of all the shopping goods accordingly and then buy them in an order.
Ø  Comparison: At times, groceries at one shop may vary in cost with other. Even the apparels of the same brand will cost different. So compare goods and then purchase. Never invest lot of money for goods which are not worth. Do a window shopping a day before purchasing.
Ø  Search for discounts: Often now-a-days there are many discounts in the market. Even the mobile phones come at lesser cost with rebates. Unless it is urgent, wait for the discount sale and then purchase things. Few of the malls give 25percent off on all purchases. Such conditions will save money and also give you more choices.
Ø  Season sales: For every season there are sale of garments, furniture, groceries and many more. Dealers expect more sales during festival time and they try earning profits. Much of the basic clothes will be better in such sales.
Ø  Never shop when you are bored: Silly purchases on road side will not meet your requirements but just give a satisfaction. If you are bored, you should not shop. You may wander the whole mall and purchase any interesting item. Wandering with friends and getting inspired by them will empty your pockets.
Ø  Buy limited: Shop wisely. Procure things which are useful to you. Though there is any discount sale, never buy them in bulk. Limited goods are always good for the budget. For more discounts, check for the stock. Buying damaged goods for less cost will not make any sense.
Ø  Save the bills: Some of the stores accept exchange and also give warranty for the purchased items. So, the bills should be preserved. If any of the purchases are not liked by you, exchange offer can work better for it.
Ø  Use coupons: Many of the professional organisations give discount coupons for employees which can be useful for nay conditions. Such vouchers can save little money from your pocket.
Ø  Put some effort on old clothes: As the fashion cycle rotates, the clothes inside the wardrobe will come in use. Such apparels will be useful for any parties or evenings. So this can save a little money. Leftovers should be checked and then purchasing should be done.
So opt for sales in buying groceries, wait for season discount for purchasing garments than boutiques. Such steps should be taken for buying all the accessories sand goods. These are the best and smart ways of saving money.  
About the Author:
The guest post was contributed by Leo, financial guest blogger from Manchester, UK. Apart from blogging, she does research on PPI Claims. Find out more about her finance related blogs at financeport

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