Monday, October 1, 2012

20 little things I love about Fall

Fall at Alum Creek State Park
Fall at Alum Creek State Park (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Just as I am starting to give you writing prompts to inspire your journals or blog posts, I also get inspired on this blog on topics that other people write on their blogs.  This prompt is from The inspired Room.  This is a blog created by Melissa who like to find things that inspire her.  This is one I wanted to do as a last minute prompt, because Fall (Autumn) is one of my favorite seasons (Winter is my least favorite).  So here is my list of favorites in no particular order:

  1. Next to pink, fall colors are my favorite palette.
  2. Bonfires are a marshmallows (and a girl's) best friend)
  3. This is the beginning of snuggle season (which last through February of the next year.
  4. Leaves for jumping into (not racking).
  5. Apple cider
  6. Thanksgiving
  7. Giving thanks (even though you should do that all year long, after all, you are alive)
  8. Back to School and meeting new teachers (not a fav among children)
  9. Sweaters without coats season
  10. The United States gets to put on a show with her fall colored dress.
  11. Turkey
  12. Harvest and Halloween parties
  13. Perfect outdoor weather in Ohio (It is not too hot nor too cold)
  14. Warm PJs, a good book, and you.
  15. Movie night
  16. Carving pumpkins
  17. A nice warm bed with enough blankets to heat a city block.
  18. Snuggling in that nice warm bed with enough blankets to heat a city block
  19. My first year of snuggling with an Ipad and a blanket and reading an e-book.
  20. Fall pictures
So if you want to join me in putting down your little list, you can do it here, or go to The Inspired Room and link up your list.  You may win something from her.

Until next time, be blessed everyday.

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