Monday, October 1, 2012

I had to write something

35 - Get Ready, Get Set, Write
35 - Get Ready, Get Set, Write (Photo credit: Holtsman)
Hello, rather good morning and happy October 1st.  It is 1:37 am on a Monday morning, and the daily activities have not started in my neck of the woods.  People here are getting settled down for sleep, have been sleeping, or like me a chronic night owl.

I have had a very busy week last week, and I have not posted like I should.  Last Monday, I got crazy so to speak, and cleaned one corner of my house.  I am trying to organize my life so I do not have to look at the living room the way it is.  I just took a pile and started pitching stuff.  I have not been looking at it anyway, so unless it was important, in the trash it went. (I meant the paper.)  I will be doing more of the same this week. It is so freeing.  
Tuesday was a lazy day.  I mostly looked at email.  No big on that, except it should have been more of the same from Monday.   Wednesday, hum, cannot remember Wednesday, except I went over to my pastor's house for bible study.  She is still recovering from her foot surgery.   Thursday was a long day.  My sister wanted to borrow $2, so I went by her apartment to give it to her, on my way to the Jeffersonville Mall (now called Tangent Mall-Jeffersonville).  I was working to get some sales at the Longaberger at Home showroom there.   This was my first time doing it at that location. I am usually at the flagship store-Homestead in Frazeysburg, Ohio.  The drive was easier, and I will defiantly go back to work there.  It rained so we did not have too many people come in.  Friday I was preparing for my open house on Saturday.  Once I was finished with that, I had to go to J C Penney's to get something for my Keurig coffeemaker.  If you want to brew regular coffee grounds in this coffeemaker, you need the adapter for it.  It is a filter with a holder, and all you do is take out the K-cup housing and put the adapter.  Simple, right?  Nope not at all.  I love this coffeemaker, but mine is 10 years old, and the adapter is made for the newer Keurig machines in mind, so adapted the adapter.  I am using the filter in the K-cup holder, and saving the adapter part for the day I get a new machine (this one is on it's last leg).  Saturday was the open house, and I had a ball presenting the new Longaberger products to friends and family.  I had a no-order party, where you just come to look at the products.  I will get about 3 or 4 orders at the end of the week.  Sweet, huh?
Now for this week.  I have cards to make, orders to take, websites to update, and maybe some blog closings. (not this one).  Oh, now I remember last Wednesday.  I had a meeting with an online creation consultant.  She looked over my businesses, blogs, stores, and websites, went over a plan of action for me to do, in order for me to have a more organized business model and more social media presence.  I am to concentrate on 3 niches (paper crafting, Longaberger products, and writing).  Sounds fair enough.  I need to complete my websites, switch my blogs over to WordPress, and create a shopping cart (which part of it should lead back to my Longaberger My shop and part to my Etsy Shop).  It was a wonderful meeting.  She also said that the products should lead towards problem solving for the customer instead of just shopping for something that they can get elsewhere.  I need to be leading the person to my site.  So that is in the plans.  This is going to be fun.
So I have another assignment for your writing prompt:   How was your week?  Do you have any action plans for this week?  Did someone show you how to do something different in your life, business, or on your job that gave you that "ah ha" moment?  It does not have to be so elaborate, and it is not always that "big lighting strikes you from the behind" moment, for it is the little things that make you think.  It would be fun for you to  read it back in your journal a month, a year, or even 10 years from now to see that moment in your life history.

Be blessed everyday.
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