Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All signup and ready to go.

NaBloPoMo (Photo credit: underdutchskies)
November is National Blog Post Month.  I am participating through Blogher, and I am supposed to blog everyday.  OK, those of you who keep up with me know about me blogging in everyday, so this is a challenge for me.  I have only signup this blog, because it is a generalized blog.  My challenge to myself is to blog something in my blogs everyday for 30 days.  Humm, that means:

MDN Creates:  30 days of something that involves scrapbooking, making cards, journaling, scrapbook reviews and such.
Tricia's Baskets: 30 days of Longaberger action.
Simply Organized Crafts:  30 days of organizational tips, interior decorating, recipes, family type stuff.
Traveling to the Mouse's House:  30 days of Disney, Disney, and more Disney.
My Crafty Couponer Deals:  30 days of shopping deals, coupons, and Black Friday (Ohhh)
And on this one:  30 days of Inspirational, life, reviews of shows (I am trying to keep that to a slow crawl), and generic stuff.

It is going to be fun, and I hope I never run out of subjects to talk about.  So I am all signed up and I am ready to go. I will talk to you tomorrow.
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