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Day 5: planning
Happy Blogmas to you.
Are you a planner? If you are, shame on you. No, I am just kidding, for I am also a planner, and I would be lost if I was not planning something. In actually, it is good to be a planner. My personal life is about planning, as well as my business life. I used to be the one who needs things to go by the letter. Now, I am the same way, except there is a catch, I am a flexible planner. What is the difference? Well, I will tell you.
When I was a “by the rules” planner, I cried every time there was a change of plans. I would get angry every time I would write out my little schedule for the week, and I dared any family member, boss, or financial crisis to come up and change it. I would go inside that thing called my head, and internalize that “no one wants me to do anything that is on my schedule”.
Well, God has a plan and it seems a sense of humor as well.
The reason is when I became a “flexible” planner, I was less rigid with my plans and with my schedule. Instead of saying, “Why won’t anyone (or anything) let me do what I want and need to do”, I say “OK, Lord, I was not meant to do it at that moment.” The difference is also God says, “You do not know the plans I have for you.”
Now that does not mean throw caution to the wind, and do what you please either. In this season of giving and receiving, be prepared to give in to the little things that may happen, and they will happen, like going to the store for that toy your child wanted, and find out that there was a $100 deducted out of your account for a bill you forgot you put on automatic payments. You have a party on the 6th, and your hubby has one on the same day, a mandatory office party. These are the minor ones. Last one, you wanted to be an actress your whole life as a child, and you end up, several years later running your own company, a designer making scrapbooks, stationary items, and freelance writing. Complicating the notion of several other careers in between. That last one is not knowing what plans God has for you.
So plan your parties, your year, and your life, but be sure to stop and do several evaluations along the way. Who knows, it could be God laughing and changing your course along the way. Just accept it
, because it is a good thing.
Day 6: Organizing
I never mean to write what I just wrote for day 4, but like I said God laughed, changed my thoughts, and that is how my planning post turned out. I will keep it.
I am a mess, a big mess. Part of my Simply Organized Crafts blog is supposed to be about organizing, and I am not organized for the season, but that is OK. We all are allowed a little down time ever now and then.
Ever since my accident at the end of July, I have been moving slowly towards myself, and I have made some choices that I believe will be beneficial for me, but before I can implement them, I had to do a little soul searching and prayer. I actually was a little out of sorts before the accident. This accident came at a time when I had just finished a sort of a depressed time during the latter half of 2014, starting anew in January, and just when I found my rhythm again, the accident happened. This is the very reason why I am a flexible planner, other than what I explained to you in Day 4’s post. I am done, it is time to take back my life, and part of it is to organize this space I live in.
I live in a condo, a townhome. My plan is to finally graduate to a single family home, because I may have a new occupant coming with me, a daughter. Even though this condo is big enough for the two of us, with me running my business out of this home, my personal stuff, and then adding her and the stuff I may be getting for her to be comfortable (I am sure one day she would want some kind of pet-more stuff). It does not matter if she is 6 months, 2 years, or 12 years, I am adopting and even adopted children have stuff their parents want to get them.
So the first thing I need to do is declutter the stuff I have, place remaining stuff in the proper spots with their like stuff, and be able to move freely throughout the condo. My plan is to tackle a room or two a week. Sell off things that I am not using or I have not use in years, and create a home manual.
Well that is it.
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