Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 29, 30, & 31: Reflection

Please note:  I had something very different that I wanted to write on this last day of 2015.  
This is a tip for you would be writers and current writers: Do not settle on your first manuscript, blog post, or even love letter.  If something is not write (right), set it aside and pick it up later.  If you still feel the same way about the subject and content of that piece, go for it.  If not, go with your gut and write about something else.  Do not scrap the original.  With this technology, it is so easy to save it on a flash drive or in the cloud.  When the time is right, and you will know, pick up where you left off, and publish it at that time.  Sometimes, like now, you just have to scrap the piece.  Why?  Well in my case, I started writing it a couple days ago, I was angry at the way my Christmas evening ended, and it did not feel right for me to dump my problem on you, my readers.  Another tip:  never write in anger, if you never come across like that in your writings.  Calm down.  Never tell a stranger your problems, especially in writings.  People with problems look for negativity.  They want others to wallow in their misery with them. That’s human nature.  We want people to feel happy when we are happy, sad when we are sad, and so on…. Why do you see so many comments from people when a blog post or a video is posted?  Humans love to be entertained, especially with anything that makes them negative.
Anyway, back to the topic…
I want to say that this has been a year of many roller coaster rides.  Some I expected, such as trying to get my businesses stronger, and growing more and more with Christ.  I had some issues I had to continue to work out from 2014, such as the death of one of my friend’s child, but I am at peace with it.  Some things I did not expect, such as my accident at the end of July.  I am still scared of making left-hand turns, and it is going to take me a while to turning with confidence.  Overall, it was events, like my accident that helps me reflect on how good God is, and how he works.
I am not happy about the events of this country in terms against Blacks, especially the children.  I am particularly upset in terms of the two police officers of shot and killed a 12-year old child in Cleveland, Ohio.  These two officers, who are supposed to be upholding the law, shot this kid, A KID, WHO HAD A TOY GUN!! Sorry, I am screaming about this, but they never questioned him, never questioned his age.  Then, when his sister, who was also under 18 tried to go to his rescue, they arrested her for seeing about her own little brother.  Where is the justice in that?  Whatever happened to asking questions?  Two days ago, these two officers were told by the city of Cleveland, they acted according to the law and will not be charged for the crime.  It is a crime, people, against a child.  Well enough with this subject, because I can write a whole post on the subject.  BTW, yes, all lives matter, but when it comes to brown skin, I guess not.  Something needs to change, ASAP.
OK, I am done….
There will be some changes in my life, and I want to share.  No, it is nothing bad, just my words of affirmation for 2016.  I have thought about them throughout the year, and I must say that I am pretty pleased with them.  I started saying them back in 2012, but I was just saying the words.  Nothing held water in them.   The more I chose a word each year, the more committed I wanted to be with a word.  For 2016, I have several, and it is not because I was indecisive, it is because I have many aspects of my life.  You may see it in these next few sentences.

1.        Truth.  Would you believe I found this word a few days ago while playing one of those stupid games on Facebook?  It was called “Find your word for 2016”, and I know you are laughing, but here me out. I had to think about this word for a moment, and I had to ask myself, what is my truth? Am I being true to myself?   To others?
2.       Authenticity.  It goes along with truth.  How authentic am I? I am basically a quiet, shy person when I first meet you, but I have a business that has clients.  This comes to this next word…
3.       Authority.  When you are naturally quiet like I am, it looks like to the surface that I am a pushover.  Not so fast, my friend.  I can be a leader when I need to, but I do not like to push it around.  It is one thing to say what you can do and will do for a client, friend, or family member, but it is another to just let them just walk all over you.  Trust is a co-word of authority.
4.       Creative.  I put this in my business, mainly because I make art, music, dance, and make dreams happen.  I want this business to be a blessing to all who request a product, be it cards, scrapbook, or a written document.   With that being said, I may have to make my other business (an Independent Home Consultant) to part-time.  It all depends on where I am at with this business.
Well, that is it for this series.  I hope you enjoy it.  I am taking off for a couple of days to get situated and to prepare to organize the month of January.  So I hope you have a safe New Year’s eve and day.  Goodbye, 2015, I cannot say it has been all fun, but I thank God I am alive.  Hello 2016, and welcome to a new day, a new year, and a new adventure.  I cannot say that it going to be a great year, but it will be a great year if you let it be. THINK POSITIVE AND BE PRAYERFUL NO MATTER YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM IS.