Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Please leave the holidays alone, they are not bothering you…
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(c) 2014 P.Lynne Designs |
I am making a statement, which is one of my motto's for
2015. For those who have been following
me, do not worry, I am not going to be some militant writer, who is going on a
50-state rant across the country. I am
not going to ignore what is going on either, but I do have something to say
about the holidays.
Lately, I have been hearing about all these cities across
the United States trying to cancel Christmas, because the very thought of celebrating
the holiday may offend some people and their beliefs. My question is how are the cities doing
that? Let me you in one a little secret:
ignore it. You do not have to
participate in anything you do not believe in.
Let those of us who love the idea of going downtown to see all the
lights, sounds, and smells have our season.
Let me give you an example:
Where I live in Columbus, Ohio, we have horse drawn
carriage rides. They are only given
during the holiday season. Now I have
never rode in one, unless you count the time when me and my family visited
downtown San Diego, California in 2007, me and my mom rode one, while my
father, nephew (then 11), and a family friend walked by the water. I love seeing them around Columbus, because
it is part of the Christmas season. I am
a Christian, but nowhere in the bible does it say that I cannot ride in a
carriage taking a tour of downtown Columbus.
I do not have any restrictions so it does not bother me. I just personally have taken the time over
the years to fully enjoy a good carriage ride.
Ok, now say it did offend me. Do
I have the right to take away from others, just because a horse-drive carriage
offends me? No, I do not, because it is
about freedom to do what you want, because it is within the context of the law
of this country. I am not an island, and
no other person should feel like that they need to put others with them, just
because the celebrations of the season put them in that position.
Now to those who live in the towns where Christmas is “cancelled.” Christmas is not cancelled. It is on the calendar, and no one has the
right to take away your right to celebrate the season. This is only year one. After this is over with, write your
congressman, and tell them your feelings about the cancellation. These so-called elected officials have one
year to restore celebrations to your city.
Do not let a few people take away your celebration. Celebrate anyway. The police do not have right to tell you what
you cannot do in your own home. This is
the perfect time to celebrate with family and friends in your home. There are more problems in the world to
complain about, then the cancellation of a downtown Christmas tree, though it is
pretty to look at.
Try to find out why this year’s celebration is
cancelled. Have you ever heard of the
game called Telephone? It is a child’s
game, where the first person whispers a name or a phrase. The idea is to make sure that last person
repeats exactly what the first person has started.
Most of the time that last person gets it wrong every time. What does this game have to do with the
cancellation of the Christmas celebration?
Simple. The real reason for the
cancellation gets lost in the shuffle, and the reason may not have anything to
do with offending a few people. It might
have been due to budget cuts, construction, anything but being offensive. By the time the reason gets to a news person,
it turns into something that gets a town stirred up and then the anger
starts. That is how most fights get
started. Other names for this type of
talk are called “rumors” and “gossip”.
Whatever the reason, please have a pleasant holiday,
and I am looking forward to my presents and celebration the birth of Christ.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2014
To Blog or not to blog, that is the question…
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Writing is one of the most freeing things you can do
in your life. I mean, after all, I have
been writing in a blog since 2009, and I find it therapeutic for me. It does not matter if I am writing out my heart
and soul because I am angry at someone or something in my life on my personal
journal, to telling would be card makers what glue is best for the type of
paper they are using. I even find
writing a grocery list exciting, especially now that I can go into my
smartphone, access the MS office app, and start typing (or speaking).
It does not matter what I do, I always do not want to
give it up. I know I have to sleep
sometime, but even now, it is 1am EST, and I am typing out this post for this blog. I have not given it up. As a matter of fact, I have 5 blogs to keep
up with, plus an account on a site called Hubpages. This is not my reason for
the random thought.
My reason for my random thought is something that I
have said over and over again: If you
are going to start blog, JUST DO IT. You
do not need anyone’s permission to start a writing blog, or any blog for that
matter. My tips:
Know what you are going to write
about. You cannot just start writing
about fuzz balls and thinking that it is going to hold water, until the year
2044. It is not (unless there is
something you know that I do not know about).
Be an expert on that subject. I.E. I know about papercrafting, Disney, organizing,
and writing. I also sell organizational
items. I have a passion about these
subjects, and there is plenty of content out there. I have no business writing about Quantum Theorem
Physics (what the heck is that anyway?) See, and I am not looking it up.
Gain a following. After all, you need someone to read it. The newest thing to gain readership is to add
a video to the blog.
Finally, have fun. Add visional effects to it. Add a little humor to your post, but at the
same time, be respectful to the grammer (grammar) police. Have something that will make a person crave
for more. Do not write just for
yourself, which why there are personal journals out there.
I hope it helps. If you want a blog, just start one. No one is stopping you but you.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
What is the one skill you see in other bloggers that you wish you had?
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Today, I am answering one of the prompts from BlogHer. It is the first one I have answered in a long time. The prompt for today is asking about a skill that I might see in other bloggers throughout their own blogs. In true Patricia style, I have to give more than one answer, because I’m like that.
The first skill, is consistency. I know, I know, I keep on saying that I am going to blog more than once a week, and I have an answer for that. The problem is I am a yes person. I constantly say yes to people who I should be saying no to, and that is bad. I am always trying to correct this problem, but I always have people, who when I say no to, they come up with a reason why I should say yes. This is especially true with my nephew, who is 18. He has no driver’s license, refuses to take the test, and get himself a car. More on that at another time. When that happens, I get behind in my work, then I find myself going weeks without submitting a blog post, creating product, or even picking up a piece of paper off the floor. That last part is an exaggeration, but that is how I feel, sometimes. Take today for instance, I am trying to finish my work and pick something to eat, before tonight’s episode of Scandal. Yes folks, I am a diehard Scandal fan, and I do comment on a Facebook group every Thursday. Okay, it could not kill me for once, to take this man child to the movies, but is cold outside, and I am now at the moment, warm and toasty. Who wants to go out in the polar vortex’s baby brother’s weather, when you have a heater? I am just saying.
Okay, I got a little sidetracked for the moment, but the problem is consistency. My next problem, is sponsorship. I can see some eyes rolling already. One of my dreams with this blog, as well as my other blog, is to have revenue comes from it. Again, I can see the eyes rolling. Not a lot, but just enough money to pay for things like web hosting fees, and other things that are associated with monitoring a website or blog.
I am going to throw in a bonus, and say that there are some bloggers who are great with words. And I know that comes with practice, because I can see a difference from my very first blog post so now. I have been blogging since 2009, I think that is around the time that most people start blogging, but there are some people’s blogs look like they have been blogging longer. In other words, they know how to pitch their blogs to others. Another name for marketing oneself, and letting others know why you should read my blog, or sponsor me. I guess I am going to have to hire myself a blog writer, which is the same as a speechwriter for people who need someone to give them the right words to say. But then again, I would feel like that these are not the words, and they are not from the heart.
So now you know my flaws, I am getting better every time I write a blog post. And in closing, I will give you a little tip: use a speech to text software to type a little faster. It is my little gift from me to you, and I love my speech to text software.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Buyers, Beware?
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This will be an antique in 2214 |
The year is 2214, and your computer’s dusty hard drive has
just resurfaced at an antique store. Write a note to the curious buyer explaining
what he or she will find there.
Dear potential Buyer:
Thank you for purchasing my hard drive. I want to let you know before you unlock the
secrets of this hard drive, what you will find on it. I have no doubt that things are a lot sophisticated
now with your new technology, I know you will wonder how people got along in
First of all, I am from the Northwest part of country (if
there is still a country called the United States.) Columbus, Ohio to be
exact. You may find a lot of reference
of the city and state on here. You may
also out about a company called Longaberger as well. I am an Independent Home consultant, and I
have a lot of business stuff on the hard drive.
I hope the company is still in operation. I have good faith that the company is still
striving, and that Dave Longaberger’s legacy has not gone to waste.
I like Disney, a lot, and you may find planning materials on
the hard drive. I was trying to plan a
trip since 2009, and had to revise the plan several times. We finally went in 2016, and had a
blast. I was able to scrapbook the trip
in 2017, and had found memories of making the scrapbook. I did not digitize it, I made it the
traditional way, and my offspring should have the book. I did make copies, so if you want to know
what Disney was like through my eyes, you can take a look, before you erase the
contents (I assume that is what you are going to do with the drive).
Scrapbooking was another hobby of mine, turned into a
business, a booming business. By the
time I died, it was a billion business.
Something I never thought of happening in 1995 when I first got
started. You may have heard of the
company, P. Lynne Designs. Well now you
can see the humble beginnings of this company unfold before your eyes. There were several times that I wanted to just
close the business, even a few days before I died, but my daughter, my niece
and nephews, and even my parents convinced me not to do it. I am so glad I did not close the door on a
company that was my heart and soul. You
will find several files pertaining to it.
You may find that I was also spiritual and that I love inspirational
pieces, especially pieces that pertain to God and His son. I wrote for a living as well, and became an
author. I never thought in a millions
years that I would being doing something like that, especially the number of
marks I received from my papers in school.
Finally, you may find random stuff, like a schedule of me
working at the Longaberger Homestead, birthday reminders, meetings, and other
appointments. Most of all, I hope you
will find what kind of person I was, which a person who cares about people,
especially her family, her customers, and life in general. I cannot say that my life was easy, because
nothing is easy in life. You have to
roll with the punches. Don’t slouch, it
makes for a bad back.
If you really want to get to know me, the real me, you will
find some personal journals as well. You
will see my entries on how I went through life in 21st century,
hopefully getting alone with my 50 year old body and beyond.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Introduction to Blue Apron
I got my first box of Blue Apron today, and it is so simply to sign up. Note I am not Affiliated with the company, nor this was given to me to try. I purchased this subscription with my own money, but they do get you 2 free meals for trying it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Everyone has an opinion….Can’t we Just Get Along
I propose this question, swirling around in my head for one
reason…. Raven Symone. The last Cosby Kid to leave the
nest, if the series had continued on for at least 8-10 more seasons. Bill Cosby himself shut down production,
after he wanted to quit while on top of Thursday night lineup. I don’t blame him.
Fast forward, about 25 or more years later, and the youngest
kid has given Miss Oprah Winfrey an interview to catch up viewers and fans on
what she has been doing since the last episode of The Cosby Show. She was on Hanging with Mr.Cooper, That’s so Raven, and other shows and other guest appearances and is a singer, but I’m
not here to tell you about Raven’s many achievements, you can read about them
on the web. What I want to talk about is
what she said in the interview. In case
you missed it, you can read about it here.
Basically, she said that she did not want to be labeled,
simply put. What doesn’t she want to be
labeled as? She did not want to be
labeled as a Gay and an African American Woman.
At first when I saw the interview, I said, “OK, your opinion.” She wants to be called just “American”, no judgments
is the name of the game. By the way, she
is currently dating a woman.
The reason behind the “colorless” remark was, she does not
know what part of Africa her people came from.
I can see that reason, because I, myself do not know what part of Africa
my people came from. When people see
Raven Symone, They see a light-skinned black woman, which she does not mind
people calling her, but she said that she feels she represents the Asian, white,
and Indian American too. I feel the
same way too, because although people see me as a medium to dark skinned black
woman, my bloodline is also Caucasian American (nationality unknown) and Cree
American Indian. Just like Raven
Symone, my parents, parents, parents never discussed the origins of the African
Slave trade with anyone in my family, to be passed down to me and my siblings
and cousins, on what part our family played in, but that does not mean I am in
denial of where my roots come from. I prefer ‘Black American’ as oppose to ‘African
American’ for that reason alone. But does
it matter? It should for this
reason: Actual Africans have come by way
of plane to live here. They are the ones
who should be called African American. Most of us, who are born in America, were
mixed in with other races during the time of slavery. Masters wanted a child or a side thing,
without the little woman knowing about it.
After that, the slave woman was often shipped off to the next
plantation, while the child was cared for by another slave. They often became the ‘house slave’ so that
the master can make sure that their offspring thrived without as much as a peep
from the others. Side note: Did you know that Raven Symone played a young
Queen in Alex Haley’s Queen, later played by Hale Berry?
So my next question is why light up Twitter? I thought that Facebook or even Google plus
would be a better arena for this little firestorm. To me, that is Raven Symone’s opinion. If she does not want to be labeled, let her
be. She isn’t killing anyone. She just wants to be labeled “An American
human who loves humans.” I can see her
point. In other words, she does not want
people to say, “You know, that Lesbian African American Woman who had a hit
show on the Disney Channel.” To that I
have to say, “at least they are not calling her “Angry Black Woman”, and some
of the other names people usually call black women, when they do not know your
name. I prefer, Miss Logan myself. At least they have my last name right.
My point to the firestorm is this: People have an opinion. We all have opinions, and if Miss Raven Symone Christina Pearman (her full name) does not want to be labeled a Lesbian
(the correct term for women who fall madly in love with another woman sexually)
and African American (the correct term is Black American), do not waste my
computer bytes by complaining about it, but then again, You have the right to
your opinion, and the moral of the story is, at least she has you thinking
about it.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Vlogging it 2.0

To that end, this past month, I have projects that I
did not get to because of the events of July, August and September, rather good
or bad. I have lost three months out of
my life, which could have been productive, but due to me being too busy to stop,
or my own sadness during these events, I am playing catch-up. It is a good thing that none of it had due
dates, except from me. No clients were
involved. But were they?
In a way they were, but they were what I like to
call invisible clients. They were people,
who happened to wander into my Etsy shop, and saw 5 notebooks for sale day in and day out. I did not make any new cards to sell, nor
scrapbooks, so I left my shop as is.
Making new products was one way to get new clients, who have not heard
about you into your shop, rather it is online or brick and mortar. They were people, who could have been looking
for a new writer to create a document for them, their blog or website, or their
business. The document, post, or even a
printable could have been just the thing to put their services over the
top. These were the people, who could
have sent me that contract, which could have been of something big for me, but
I was so into the stuff that brought me down, until I wonder if I have missed
my blessing. Let me tell you why that
was not necessarily a bad thing…
I had friends who needed someone to reach out to
them, and to say, “I’m here for you”. I
had things that I needed to take care of, but I was so busy trying to make my
businesses work, until I felt drained and overwhelmed with the business and other
personal situations. I had a God who
said to me, “you need to rest”, but I fail to see that I needed all of this,
because I was going too long without it.
I was not focus on Him, but I was focus on stuff, to which, my friend is
not good.
The things I am saying to you, as a Christian woman,
what good is it to accumulate all this stuff, if:
A) You
are not blessing someone in the process, and
B) You
cannot take it with you.
Sure, we need to eat, we need to interact, and we
need to pay for all of this stuff. So, I
am glad I did not catch up with all the things I did not take care of in the
product making business. This rest gave me a chance to make some changes, some
that I will share here, while others I will share on my other blogs, because
they fit the subjects I have on them. I
will not share them in this post. I
will share this: I am vlogging
again. I have computer with a webcam and
I am looking into getting a tripod for my regular camera and smartphone for
tutorials. When I bought my Sony Camera
for my birthday, they gave me a mini tripod, which is not the friendliest
tripod in the world (I have seen better brands), but it will do for right
now. I asked a YouTubber named Gabrielle Flowers
Raider of Gabe and Babe TV
and The Gabe Fix in her
Google Hangout last night if she had any pointers for my channel, and she said
to Be Consistent. Start with once a week, and see how that
goes. So I have already made one new
video before I asked her that question, so I will put up another one next week.
Anyway, I have ran over my time, so I will also be
constant with my next blog post as well.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
October 7, 2014: Tell us about your favorite autumnal edible treat.
OK, I have not writing in about a week. The reason is I am was trying to gain some
sales for my Longaberger
business, and I am not dealing very well with being 50. I will admit it, but I will save that topic
for another time and place (if I feel like talking about it here.) Do not
worry, I will get through it.
Today, I want
to talk about my favorite treat for fall. I am going to break it down into 4
categories: savory, sweet, beverage, and
First for the savory…I love soups in the fall. Nothing says warmth by the fire like
soup. I love clams, so my go to soup is
a big bowl of New England Clam Chowder Soup.
I used to be a fan of Campbell’s regular NE clam chowder, but it does
not have enough substantial pieces of clam for me. I have gotten spoiled with the Chunky’s Soup
line, but now even that does not do it for me.
I started eating Progresso’s NE Clam Chowder Soup, and I will stick to
that. Every time I go out, and the
eating place has NE clam chowder for soup of the day, I buy it. The treat is a big piece of bread, lightly
toasted, so I can sop up all the sauce from the soup.
Now for the sweet… my mom’s Sweet Potato Pie. I love it.
I do not like pumpkin pie, so this is my orange-colored pie, which is a
great substitute. What make her pies
special? It is a recipe that was handed
down from my grandmother. I do not know
what all goes in other SP pies, but with my mother, there is brown sugar,
nutmeg, clove, all-spice, evaporated milk, and butter, all mashed up in the
sweet potato. Next month is the month
for it.
My beverage of choice is anything that I make in my Keurig Coffee machine. I recently started
back drinking Starbucks, but only when I travel, but nothing better than
standing at the counter, sticking a k-cup in the machine, and hitting the start
button. While I am waiting (which does
not take that long), I put in my cup some sweet cream, chocolate powder or
syrup, and if I am good, and little bit of whipped cream (which has no calories,
ladies, and only in moderation, my doctor says). I stop putting granulated sugar in it.
My all-time favorite fall food is…..Mac and
Cheese. There is nothing like melted
cheese over a plate of noodles. I am not
talking about the box kind. OH, NO! I am talking about the kind where you make a
white sauce and melt cheese in it. While
it is melting, boil the macaroni, don’t forget to salt the water, and cook it
Al Dente. Fold the mac into the cheese
sauce, and you have loving in a bowl.
Now, I hate to admit this….bbbbuuuttt, my mom does not make that kind of
Mac and Cheese. She makes the kind that
my grandmother (same grandmother who taught her how to make the pie), which is custard
style. I eat it, but it is not the
same. What I like about the cheese sauce
kind, is you can throw in anything with the cheese sauce. On The Kitchen, a show on The Food Network, I
saw four kinds of Mac and Cheese being made, yummers!!
Oh, I am going to the grocery store today, all this
talk is making me go buy my favorites and have a theme dinner for tonight.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
A random Video and a visit with Galaxy
This is my first video in a while, and I thought I would challenge my phone, the android version of Siri to see if she was as smart as Siri. Nope, they are both dumb on conversation.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Tell us about your favorite autumnal sound.
Hello, and welcome to October. I have not officially welcomed anyone to
September and the fall yet, so consider it late. September was one of those months that rather
not revisit at all. I have been in so of a depressive mood all month because of
the different situations in my life, including the death of a couple of people,
who I really had hoped would pull through, but God had other plans for them,
and for one of them, I am still trying to wrap my finger on why she entered the
world the way she did, and died just that quickly (yes, I am talking about a
baby bared a day old). I was hoping I
would get to know her as she went through babyhood, into toddler, going to
school, and I had hoped that I would get to see her get married and have a kid
of her own, but again, God had other plans.
I went through other things to during the month of
September, and I realized that the world does not stop because a friend of
yours lost a baby, a person you know collapses into a coma and dies a week
later, or that you feel like you are stuck. For that reason alone, I still needed to make
my sales goals for the month (I was pulling a Hail Mary move at 2:30pm
yesterday, a move I have not done since the 2012-13 selling season); The house
needs cleaning (I will tackle that Friday); and finally I need to clean out my
closet, put away the spring/summer wardrobe, pull out the fall/ winter stuff,
and give or throw away the stuff I no longer can fit. I also need to do a final spraying of the
weeds on my patio so they will not come up, pull out the fall décor, and find some
fall bedding.
Despite everything that has happened last month, I need to
do some things in the second bedroom to make it more livable (currently masquerading
as a junk room), I want to talk to you about my favorite autumn sound. It goes along with my favorite smell,
Pumpkin. That sound is sounds from the
apple orchard. It is people looking for
that perfect apple and it depends on who is making that sound. The sound could be, “mommy pick this apple”, “we
can get 4 more to fit in this bag”, to no sound at all, just studying on how to
get the apple. I want to take my niece
and nephews apple picking, but to be honest, I do not know where I want to go
for this? There is one, maybe two I can
go, but I am not sure, since I have not been since my parents took me years
ago. While we are at it, we can pick
that perfect pumpkin to go on the porch on my sister’s house.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Please Get a clue Martha, try to be helpful
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On this Mentoring Monday, I want to once again address
Martha Stewart. Yes that queen of all
things lifestyle living and telling everyone that it is “a Good Thing”. I have no problem learning from her. Martha’s ideas are wonderful, and she makes
some valid points on how to clean, throw a dinner party, or providing a punch
or two to cut out paper shapes (to which I own two). She has an empire that is second to none in
her field.
So why is it that Martha feels threaten when a blogger or a
celeb like Gwyneth Paltrow steps into her territory? In a world with population of over 800
billion people, I am sure there is plenty of room for both Ms. Stewart and Ms.
Paltrow to give us their tips on how to make the perfect peach pie (although I
say that my mamma make the best one).
The only difference is one is in her early 70’s and one is in her early
So why is it that when we are experts in something, we feel
threaten by another person who has that same knowledge? Martha went off on bloggers last year for the
same reason. She said both in the
interview with Porter magazine a few days ago about Ms. Paltrow and an
interview about lifestyle bloggers last year that people should not quit their
day job and stick to what they do best.
She said last year that bloggers should not make their family and friends
become guinea pigs when creating a new recipe, then putting it in their
blogs. “Now Martha, isn't that how you
started out?” “How would you have liked it, if the late Julia Childs said that
about you when you tried to make Coq Au Vin for the first time and served it to
your guests?”
Instead of finding fault with a person who just want to give
helpful hints on their blog, a person like Martha Stewart should be in a
mentoring mode. If there is something that
isn't right, go to that person and say something like, “congratulations on your
new venture.” “I know that people will
like your insight on the
subject.” “I have
noticed a couple of things on your site, and if you do not mind me saying,
these are hints on what would help your site become better in the long run.” Once that is said, give the advice, if they
give you permission to do so. If not,
move on, and do not criticize. They will
find their way. This is how you mentor,
NOT tear down. Encourage someone who
admires what you do, enough to help them along the way.
I am sure that if Ms. Stewart would have done just that for
us and Ms. Paltrow, the Paparazzi and others would steer away from that line of
My wish for you this day forward is to give helpful and
healthy criticism to others and not wishing that person to keep their day
job. There is room for everyone and
plenty more.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Truth About Rates and freelancing.

Scrapbooks-both using the commercial albums that
are out there, and making mini books, journals, and folios, as well as art
Greeting and note cards
Alternative items. In case you are wondering what that is, most
people call it Upcycling. It is where
you decorate something to make it a different piece to function differently or
function the same.
Anyway, that is the basics of what I do, but lately, I have
been feeling a little stuck. My Etsy
shop has the same old 5 items in it and I have not written for someone in about
2-3 months. You would think that I have
gobs of money in my account. Nope, ask
me later on how I cope. If you are freelancing,
sometimes it is OK to hit a dry spell, right?
Not really. If you are a writer,
a cook, or a crafter, you need to remember that you need to put food on the
table. You have bills to pay, people to
entertain (for those with kids), and it would be nice to not work in your
jammies every once in a while.
So how do you earn that extra $1,000 a week, if you still
have a job, or if you going at it full time, have the ability to buy at least
toothpaste? Simple, start small. Sometimes, you have to except projects that
pay low or nothing at all, and you need to build from there. That is what I am tackling for the next few
posts and the first one is on the rate you expect your clients to pay you for
your services.
I saw this article in Carol Tice’s website, and it is called
things you can do to grow your freelance writing-now. She covers writing, but after looking at this
article, I feel that it would apply to any freelance job. Freelancing, in case you are not familiar
with the title, is just a fancy way of saying, self-employed. You are working for yourself. You have a time clock, but it is in your head,
and you can report to work any time you feel like it. I do not recommend it, because just like a
9-5 job, the money you earn allows you freedom to do anything you want. Well not anything, but you get the idea.
With that being said, she gives 3 these tips on rates:
- Tell
your clients your rates are going up.
- Raise
your rates for new clients.
- Raise
your rates every year in the fall, to take effect the following year.
OK, you are probably telling me, “Tricia, that is all well
and good, but I am just starting out, and besides that, I am doing a project
for Aunt Millie, and I really do not want to charge her.” I thought the same way, and if you are just
starting, I can see why you do not want charge a lot for work at first. For me, it is ok to do a project for Aunt
Millie, the neighbor you have been friends with for 20 years, or your church,
but at some point, you cannot do every project at low-no cost. Again, you have to eat and pay bills. There is also nothing wrong with bartering
either, just as long as it is equal to the amount of services you give a
Upon my own research one of the problems that freelancers
have is “what is my work worth to my client?”
This means are your skills top notch to the point of charging a rate to
begin with? That is something that you
have to ask yourself. Start by listing
your skills. I will use myself as a
Creative in
Needle crafts
Candle making
Card making
Altering items
An eye for detail
Journal making
People skills
Good listener
Follows directions well
I only listed a few, but note that I did not list just the
physical skills, but things that would tell a new client what they need to know
about me. So, the things that you
learned in Preschool and Kindergarten do matter.
Next, check out the rates of people who do the same
thing. In the corporate world, it is
called checking out the competition. If
you are new to this, you can call to ask questions on how that person charges similar
services. For example, when I started,
I checked everyone in custom scrapbooking.
I looked at their websites, and made note of the basic rates. I looked at the years of experience, comments,
and if they charged by the hour or per job.
Most custom scrapbookers and card makers charge by the piece. Most writers charge per word. For example:
an 8.5 x 11” scrapbook could run $7.50 per page. So a 20-page scrapbook, without the fluff (no
embellishments) can run about $150 (USD).
An example of a 791 page doc (the point where I typed 791), at $.10(USD)
per word, could run a client $79.10.
Last, ask yourself, can I live off charging $150 for a
scrapbook and $79.10 for a document, using the same examples? Probably not, which is a good idea not to
quit your day job just yet. Keep in mind
when charging your rates that there is no such thing as an overnight
sensation. You have to build up to the
reputation, and that is why Ms. Tice suggest that you change your rates every
fall to go into effect by January. So
how do you quit your day job? Well,
that is the next step in this process called freelancing, and the subject of my
next post.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
How do you remember blog posts you want to write until you're ready to sit down at the computer? Do you have a system in place, why or why not?
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(c) Disney |
As a
line from the song, Poor Unfortunate Souls (The Little Mermaid), goes, “The boss is on a roll”, I would have to
say, yes she is, and that I am. I am on my third blog post of the night, and I
am smiling. I may not be a believer of
playing catch-up, but I am doing pretty well, to say that I did not blog hardly
at all in July. (Love my birthday
month) It is bittersweet when you are
the owner of 5 blogs, and I get comments from amateurs to experts saying, that
I only need one, to how do you keep up with them? This leads to today’s question about
remembering what posts I want to until I sit down at my computer.
It is
funny, because I am on this computer all the time. If I am not answering a social media
question, I am writing a post. If I am
not doing that, then I am watching a video, playing a game, making orders for
customers, or making or listing products for customers to buy.
As for
creating posts, I have to it right now.
I create a post on MS Word, and I tweak it. I tweak it by doing research if it calls for
it, upload the research into the post document and check grammar. Lastly, I cut and paste it into either
Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Hubpages, or BlogMutt, depending if it for myself
or for others and the subject matter.
Once I am in the editing area, which is when I do photos and last minute
spell and grammar check (because Google Chrome is like that)
I am now
starting to keep track of blog post subjects on Outlook calendars, because I
write so many, and for those who follow Google, knows how Google hates
duplicate topics and posts. Why? Because I would be lost, and I do not want my
blogs shut down by them.
Getting back
to the line from Unfortunate Souls, I find it funny that there are days when I
do not want to write anything, and other days (like today), I am spitting them
out like a fully automatic rifle. Yes, the boss is on a roll, but this is my
last one for the night, so, as character from “War Games” puts it….”Shall we
play a game?”
So what
do you think? I would love to see your
comments below.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
August 20, 2014-What is the single best thing you do to keep your career goals on track….
Today, I
am back to writing prompts with Blogher, because when it comes to this blog in
the last couple of months, my mind draws a blank. They say in order to get readers to tune into
your blog, you have to be consistent. Consistency is the least of my problems. I have worst problems than that. There are the “Nephew needs a ride to X
place, because he does not have his learner’s permit, let alone a driver’s
license and a car” problem. There is the
“Sister needs a ride to work and other places” problem. She rides the bus, but barely keeps any
money. There is the sales problem,
probably because I am hardly in the house to make a sale. There are the “social media distractions,
needs a new website, but not enough money to hire someone to create one for
you, but how are you going to attract someone so you can build a new one, but
have little knowledge of HTML” problem. (This
run-on sentence was intentional for rant purposes). Do not misquote me, for the complaint is very
real and very bittersweet. This is what
happens when you are an Aunt Entrepreneur, which is the same as a Mom
Entrepreneur. The only difference is the
children do not stay with you 24/7. That
is about the change come September (more bittersweet
drama - cues violin) I am turning into a Mompreneur.
So where
was I…Oh yes, the single best thing I do to keep my career goals on track? As with any writing prompt, I do not know how
to follow instructions. (Giggle, giggle). Sooooo, I am going to give you two for the
price of one. You did not come here for
my rants, and if you have gotten this far without going to someone else’s blog,
good for you. You get an A++ sticker (it is the first day of school in Central
My first
way to keeping track is to plan out my goals.
With Longaberger, as well as with my scrapbooking and writing, I have
monthly goals, and I try to remember to write them down. Next with those monthly goals, I check to see
if they are part of my bigger goal for my career.
Next, I
do an accountability check. One day I
do hope I can hit the one million dollar mark, but I am not thinking about that
at all. My ultimate goal is to see that
I help someone to either become an Independent Longaberger Home consultant to
start, or learn how to become a freelance scrapbook designer, card maker, or
writer for either themselves or as a business.
Who knows what a person can learn.
Speaking of which, I am also constantly learning what I can do to better
myself. I want to be certified in certain
subjects that has to do with organizing, crafting tools, writing, and the
internet. It takes time, and if my family allows it, and I do not allow them to
distract me, it can be done. (So sorry, I gave you three, my bad, giggle)
I am 73
words over at this point, so I am going to leave you with this tip: never stop learning something new. You will never know if it is the pentacle of
starting something great in your career.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
My bout with Suicide
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(c) National Suicide Center Logo |
I am here to confess that at age 22, I almost took my own
life. Yes, I was so upset that I was not
in school, I did not have a job, and I was still living with my parents. I had problems with the constant itching from
Eczema, and the doctor prescribed for me Atarax (Sp?). So one day, I was sitting in my room, on the
floor, and looked at them. I poured
them all on the floor, and thought, "If I took 10, which would do the
trick, my parents will never have to worry about me anymore." God dispatch his angels to stop me, and I all
of a sudden heard myself say, "What the heck am I doing?" So I picked them, and put them back into the
bottle, and never thought about taking my life again.
It only takes a second, and if you really think about all
the amazing things you have in life, and if they outweigh that one bad thing,
then your life is not half bad. You are
going to have some problems, because I have them now, it is called life. I know what I thought about at age 22 was
nothing compared to what Robin Williams went through. He had all this amazing talent, but after the
cancellation of his show, rehab, and whole host of things that only he and God
truly knew what he was going through. I
just hope and pray that he did make peace, although it does not sound like it,
because if he did, this would turned out much, much differently.
Please, if you even for a second thought about taking your
own life, like I did, please get help. I
should have, because those thoughts can easily creep on you again. Thursday, at Longaberger's consultant's
convention, there was not a dry eye, when the story of Jackie was played.
Jackie, (I am not sure if I can reveal her last name, so for
privacy, I have deleted it) had gone through so much. First, she had a stroke, then her husband
left her because of the stroke. Next, her
sister, her only sibling died. My guess
was that her parents were already deceased, they were not mentioned in the
video. Her son, who had been serving in
the Navy in Texas, had come home from a tour.
While he was at home, he showered his mom so much, Jackie never knew the
pain he was harboring inside. He even
told his mom, that his dad was not worth keeping and for Jackie to not go after
him. Her son spent 9 months at home, and
one day, Jackie found him in his room, and he had taken his own life. She knew why. After the funeral, she mentioned that she
did not want to live at that point, and went into a bout of despair. She said that if it wasn't for her team, her
faith, God, and Longaberger, she would not be here today.
I wish that Mr. Williams could have heard this, and say that
despite my problems, I am so glad that I am still here, and that this too shall
pass. That is what I always tell myself
before thinking the worst.
If you know someone, who may decide to take their own life,
the National Suicide center suggest you to look for these signs:
- Talking
about wanting to die or to kill themselves.
- Looking
for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun
- Talking
about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
- Talking
about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
- Talking
about being a burden to others.
- Increasing
the use of alcohol or drugs.
- Acting
anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
- Sleeping
too little or too much.
- Withdrawing
or isolating themselves.
- Showing
rage or talking about seeking revenge.
- Displaying
extreme mood swings.
There is a hotline for you to call, and that number is 1-800-273-8255
I hope that this will bring you some comfort, and if you are
contemplating taking your life, please get the help you need. Your life is much more precious then you will
ever know, and so much more.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Correction is a big deal to me…..5 ways to improve your writing.
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I first applied for the position about 2-3 years ago with a
different blog. I still have the blog
(P.Lynne Designs), which is about my scrapbook and card designs, but I was
turned down. I never gave it a second thought
on why I was turned down until now. I am
submitting this blog, because I feel that it more of Blogher’s style, but more
important, I have a variety of topics on it.
Before I can submit it, I wanted to give them a reason to accept this
blog, so I went over the past few posts I currently have on the blog, and I am mortified.
I am finding missing words in sentences and
I found myself singing Weird Al Yankovic’s Word Crimes song. This is also a pet peeve of mine, so that
makes me really upset, until I had to write this post for all to see.
You do not have to write a blog post to see the error of
your ways. I have seen whole tweets,
grocery lists, even notes to a boss with these errors, and I have to wonder
what the next generation has in store for them, as they fill out applications
for employment, write business reports, or even give instructions to the
babysitter. They want to text, and I
know, Twitter started it with their (not there) 140 character count, but why
should I care about how you write. Check
these out:
I thought Ebonics was dead. Yes I said, I mean it, and now I am…oh never
mind. The point is grammar is very
important. It does not matter if you
speak English, Spanish, Chinese, or Klingon, learning how to form a proper
sentence will get you far in life, because no one understands your quirkiness
like you and a few of your friends. With
employers looking at everything you do, you have to watch the way you talk to (TAKE
THOSE SELFIES DOWN THEY LOOK TACKY TO AN EMPLOYER!!!!!) I am sorry, but technology can be mean.
Watch your words. Know the difference between their, there, and
they’re. Also two, 2, too, and to. Equally important is you, your, and you’re.
Did you catch the mistake? I said “is” instead
of “are” (not r) in the last sentence.
Know the difference between the two.
It is ok to make one or two mistakes and live
with it. Um, no it is not. (Humm, double negative, got to fix it.) You
really need to proof-read your stuff, before it goes out towards cyber-space. If you do not towards monetize your blog in
the future, that is fine. If you are not
looking for employment, that’s fine too.
But, if you want readership, get a job, and all the good stuff that
comes with having proper grammar structure, you need to brush up on your
Do not depend on the following: Spellcheck, grammar check, or any
computerized checking tool. They are
good for basics (and you should really know how to spell anyway), but if it is
not a common word, expect the red Line (blue line for grammar in MS Word),
double check proper names (nothings worse than misspelling someone’s name), and
proofread for flow.
Bonus: I
do not want to c (see) this: r u reddy
2 lern hw 2 spell? The proper way is:
Are you ready to learn how to spell?
Business people are not your buddy, they are not you pal, your homie, or
anything like that. They are ready to
see what you can offer them, and they like what they see, when they see
it. Give them a reason to see you shine.
P.S. By the way, I decided to wait a few months to apply. One of the requirements are posting at least once a week, which I have been slacking. I will wait until I start doing that again.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Why can’t I just enjoy food anymore?
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A few minutes ago, I was going through my email, when I ran
into a coupon offer from an eating place that I have never tried. It was for a Lobster salad sandwich. I love lobster. In fact I love all kinds of seafood. (Can you
tell I am not allergic to shellfish?) In
Ohio, it is rare to get any type of seafood, anywhere, unless it comes from Red
Lobster, The Columbus Fish Market (I highly recommend it-but expensive) or is breaded
(a la Long John Silvers or Captain D’s), so I thought I might stop in today on
my way home from a meeting. After all,
it has a coupon attached to the offer.
Like most emails with a coupon attached to it, you have to
click in to get to the coupon that contains the reward (which is to print the
coupon), so I click on the button. Once
inside the website, I was not greeted with coupon I can print. Oh no, that’s too easy. I was greeted with a “Pavlov-like” greeting…”Did
you know that the sandwich you are craving to eat is 440 calories?” It seemed to say. I was upset that I was greeted with that fact
finding tool, that the government seems to demand on eating places these days,
but more important, no coupon.
I just realize that people cannot enjoy food no more. Gone are the days, where we can just go out
to eat, and not worry about how much fat and calories we are piling in our
bodies. Since when did the government get
so concerned about how much food we consume?
I am not worried about the amount of calories I consume, I am worried
about how big of a portion size we are consuming. I am sure that this one little sandwich is
most likely going to have more lobster meat on it than the average sandwich,
but what is average anymore?
I heard that my meat portion size should be that of a deck
of cards (3 oz.), and that is not all. A
medium baked potato should be about the size of a computer mouse. A half cup of rice should be able to fill a
cupcake wrapper. One ounce of cheese
should be the size of four dice. And
finally, they say that sandwich meat should be the size of a standard slice of
wheat bread. That still does not answer
the question on how big the lobster sandwich should be.
OK what is really in that sandwich?
The other thing that you have to worry about these days, is
what is actually in a dish. There are
groups out here who actually gone to “picket line “methods to protest
chemicals, such as GMO, BHA, and that chemical that has been reported in Chinese
food (I cannot think of the name right now).
I am not here to warn you about these groups, because they actually have
some good, legitimate points that makes congress, FDA, and food companies
think, but now, I have to police everything that I eat both inside and outside
of my own home. No wonder everything is so
expensive from food in the grocery store to a simply meal at Wendy’s. Remember the McDonald’s scare of 2011? I refuse to eat a hamburger from there now,
because of the fluff.
So what to do….
Do I still want the lobster sandwich? Yes. Nothing’s wrong with it except it is high in
calories. Am I cautious of what I
eat? Yes, but you have to weigh out what
you think is good for your body. My
doctor says everything in moderation, and that is one the best advice she could
give me. So it is settled. I am getting the sandwich, but it will be a
while before I get another one.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Random thoughts-May 28, 2014
photo by P.Lynne Designs- New Courthouse, Downtown Columbus |
- Plan a topic for a blog (I STILL have 5 blogs)
- Write my thoughts in Ms Word. although there are other softwares out there, I enjoy the ease of Microsoft products, even though I do not always agree with the way the company handles things, which is often cold and a little underhanded, like Google and a couple more companies I can think of in the technology world.
- Edit what I wrote and research to make sure my facts are straight. This is a little backwards sometimes. If I am writing for someone else, I will write and research at the same time, but for me, I kind of get it backwards. This post is not one of those reseachy (is that a word, Google spell check hates it, I am leaving it), post.
- Finally, I place pictures and other things in it. I learned a valuable lesson last year. Always, always, always (how many times I have to say "always") document where you found the image, even it if came from your own camera/phone you pushed the button type image. Reason: R-E-S-P-E-C-T and authenticity. Respect for the person who took it (you may have to event ask permission to use said photo-more on that later), and you would want to someone to do the same for your images. As I grow more and more as a business person and artist, the less and less I want to just look in Google's library. I know this because of what the musician, Prince did for his own music. There is a post waiting on another blog, so you will either have to Google it or wait until I post my thoughts on the subject on royalties.
Finally, I leave you with this note: do not take your blessings for granted. You may or may not get to the point, where you say that you have made it, and that you have arrived, because there is always room to grow. Sure we all may want the latest and greatest gadgets, the best technology you can afford, but is it all worth it at the end of the day? I think that I can truly say that I have a ways to go and grow. I still need to do somethings that will mentally and physically prepare me for motherhood in her 50's. Most people tell me to stay where I am at, but they can only say it, because they have children, but I wish that they would for once see it from my point of view. I don't have a fur baby, which to me is a lot less work (no talk back from the unhappy charges, or paying for college tuition), but to others, it yields the same results, which is I am taking care of someone in addition to myself.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Call of Jury Duty

So, what
does that have to do with jury duty? I
do not take pleasure in deciding the fate of another human being. I realize it is my civil duty as a member and
citizen of this country, but, the person in question has not done anything to
me, nor my family and friends. Call me a
softy? Hardly. I am sure that whatever this person has done,
God is not pleased, but on the other hand, this person could have been innocent,
but society decided that he/she/it looks like somebody or something they have
seen before.
So what happen, and how did I get
you are a criminal, non-citizen, or a child, you may have already been selected,
your name just has not come up. My
pastor has been three times. If your
name does come up, you have a choice to make.
If you have a problem, such as your employee not paying you for serving
your civil duty, you may be able to get out of it. There are excuses you can come up with. I will explain later.
Back in
March, I received a green piece of paper with instructions on how to park,
where to park at the county courthouse, and so forth. I thought I was being sued, because I never
received the first piece of paper, the official
piece of paper. I ignored it, and
decided to tackle it after I got
back from San Antonio, TX. When I
checked my mail, I was told that either go, reschedule, or pay a fine (yes,
boys and girls, they fine you if you do not acknowledge that you have received
the OFFICIAL piece of paper.)
So I
sent an OFFICIAL piece of email stating that I have not received it, and to
reschedule, and I gave the dates that I will be available. (After all, I am a business person). They gave me May 19 to reappear (as if I was
a criminal), and I was allowed to reschedule one time. So I started rearranging my schedule so I
would not have any excuses to miss.
So here I am at the present time…
….and I am sitting at Scrambler Marie's. Why?
I have excuse from the jury manager.
I got up, ran late, got lost in the county courthouse and their parking
garage (who told Franklin county, Ohio to build this many courthouses?). The
jury manager handed me the rules and regs paper of being a jury member, and I
looked over it. Even though it is your
civil duty to be a member of the jury, they do not want to denial your right as
a private citizen, and keep you from earning your keep as an entrepreneur. Yes, my business got me out of jury duty. I went back to the jury manager, told her that
I owned a business that earned a commission based on sales, and she asked me
for a business card. I handed it to
her, she stapled it to my OFFICIAL piece of paper, and I was on my way.
So what
am I doing with the rest of my day? Exercising
my rights as a business owner, and working, like a BOSS!
Photo by
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