Friday, February 15, 2013

Word for today: Waiting

This is my word for today.   I am typing out this post on my iPad while waiting.  I am waiting on my mom to get finished with her eye appointment.  She wanted me to go with her in case they wanted to dialate her eyes.  She drove,I sat.  If that is the case, I will drive back,and she will sit.
We, as humans spend a great deal waiting.  We wait on the mail if are expecting something important.  We wait our turn for the bathroom stall when we at a concert, movie, church, or school.  We wait on the laundry at home or the laundry mat.  We even wait on our bottles or to be changed when we were babies.  So what is wrong with waiting?
People become impatient while conducting this task.  Today's children do not know the meaning of the word.  Adults either.  There is another type of wait,and that is waiting on The Lord. If you believe that He will do something for you, you have to trust and believe.  I, too am impatient about waiting.  I am not immune just because I am a Christian.  In fact, I am worst, and God knows it.  For instance my business.  I choose the task of working for myself.  When I started at Longaberger in 2001, I was not working, and I still entertained the idea of still working for someone.  I asked God that if this business was for me, I will have lots of sales, lots of customers, and I will never have to work for someone again.  God said,"wait."  Wait is such a strong word.  As I said before, waiting causes impatience. So,  in 2005, I was hired by a scrapbooking store.  In 2010, I quit the store, and started my own company, while still working as a home consultant.  In 2012, it is all finally paying off.  Business is slow, partly because of the economy, but I am getting sales, I am a writer ( did not expect it), and I will be teaching classes in scrapbooking and card making.  I am not making a ton of money, but that will come.  I finally got my first 1099 to file with the IRS 11 years of being a home consultant.  I still have a long ways to go, but it is coming.  God said it and I believe it.
So the word of the day is wait. I want to know, what are you waiting for?  Comment below and have a blessed day.