Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 6: My day, a day of learning and rejoicing

English: President Barack Obama writes at his ...
Congrats, Mr. President on a 2nd term. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hello, I am very happy about how my day ended up.  I got up, got dressed and I went a-polling, voting that is.  I choose the candidate who will make me sleep at night, knowing that when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I can do my job as a home-business owner, so that when I decide to move my business out of my home and/or gain employees, I feel like I can do it.  I chose Barack Obama.  I know I can hear the sneers out there, but hear me out.
I really do not know what the fuss is all about?  If you want a person to bail you out of a mess that the previous guy named Bush put us in the first place, then  if people are not 100% working, the economy is not where it should be, and they are doing the best they can to work with the people who were given to them, do not get mad when they win for a 2nd term.  Let's work together on this.  Now Mr. Obama has a chance to finally finish do what he came to do.  I really feel like that a term should be 8 years or somewhere in between.  The reason is clear....When a person works with a group who does not support them, it takes longer to implement what they set out to do.  Well, Mr. President, if you happen to find this pot, congrats on your win.  You deserve it.
Well after that, I learned about organizing for the holidays, well I was supposed to learn it.  I ran late for this workshop.  why?  I went to vote, then I went to the wrong building for the workshop.  People were looking at me strange and telling me they have never heard of the company I was looking for.   so I check the directory, and the company was not there, so I got in the car and drove to the next building.  I made it with 10 minute left in the meeting.  so I did a little networking, before leaving for the grocery store.
There is a store that I love to go grocery shopping in.  I am a Foodie, and when you are a foodie, you like nothing but the best, not something that is necessary the most expensive, but of good quality.  I get that in Market District.  It is owned by the Giant Eagle Company, but please do not call them Giant Eagle, even though Giant Eagle is the store labels.   I got $178 worth of groceries, and next month I am releasing another challenge on how to save on my grocery bills again.  When I first started the My Crafty Couponer Deals a few months ago, I was supposed to show how to save money.  Well, I am getting ready to merge it with my Simple Organized Crafts Blog, and I celebrating by doing this challenge.
So I am getting sleep, this is the end of the road for a few hours.   Nighty night.
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