That is exactly what I am trying to do right now, but I also asked for forgiveness from God, because yes, He was named in the situation. I asked for that forgiveness, and help me get to the point of me again. So Monday evening, I need to make some phone calls, and write an email of apology for my actions, which in a way was not my fault. But I am not going to name names because Of policy.
So what to do if you are in this type of situation. simple?
- If you believe,pray. I am not going to sugar coat it if you are an atheist, I am speaking to believers. ask for forgiveness from God. Ask for help in the situation.
- Do not post to Facebook, Twitter, or any social media, UNLESS it will help someone. You do not have to mention the situation like I doing now. If you have a diary, write it there if you have to. Otherwise forget about it.
- Ask for solutions to the problem. You can post that, and who knows, God may send an angel to your rescue.
- Finally find so way to help you relax for a few hours. I finally went to sleep, looked at my emails, and me and mom went to 2 malls. I feel better, but the problem is still there until Monday evening, because it is the weekend.
I hope this helps you, and be blessed.