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English: Blogs on JoopeA (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
But I am doing my best.. I often get my
inspiration from what others write, and draw on that. I have also often
said that I write about what I have observed, witnessed, read and done, and
these observations are true and justified. Well, today it observation is
from a disclaimer read on an email from Lisa, who is a mompreneur. Before
I give you the quote, a mompreneur is a woman, who is a mom and an
entrepreneur. She writes an e-book titled Get Famous. It is a book about
how moms can stay at home and still make extra money like blogging.
First of all, I feel sort of left out of this field, because I am not a mom,
and for some reason, being an aunt (or aunty as called by my little crew of 4)
does not have that some holding power as being a mom, and it is even worst
since I am single. I love the fact that society and the internet has lacked
onto this thing with moms, but us childless women need love too. Ok,
enough with the pity party, back to the quote.
The quote reads:
"Disclaimer:This message brought to you by a woman flaws
and all. It's come to my attention that I sometimes make grammatical
errors or misspellings. Feel free to correct me as some of my girlfriends do
however if you'r snippy about it then this disclaimer is for you : I'm a mom,
business owner and run the house. I'm sure you are to. I'm busy and most
times balance waffles with Matilda and wheels on the bus while I type my notes.
I'm trying to get this killer content to you asap and in my excitement I
occasionally make mistakes. If it upsets you - Get over it ;) And I mean
that in the sweetest way. "
She basically admitting
that she is human, and that you have the right to correct her. Well I am
claiming the same thing. If there is something I have said on the social
media or in my blogs, or if I am slow at getting things to you, it is because I
have a lot on my plate at the moment. Just like Lisa's disclaimer says,
if it upsets you, please get over it. I am trying to say it nicely too.
Between trying to juggle what seems now 4 jobs at once (MDN Creates,
Tricia's Baskets, writing assignments, and now affiliate marketing), I often
forget to write daily in my blogs, call someone to remind them about a pottery
sale, or make thank you cards for a friend who needs them. This is the
first month I am doing quite well, and hopefully I can get people to guest post
on all of my blogs (especially next week when I will be out of town on a much
needed vacation), so that is why I agree with her. I am in the process of
finding to fill out paperwork to become a mom. That will carry its own
set of interesting topics, such as "The social worker said what about my
I often think about things
that I have to do to stay true to myself, and try not to upset the apple cart
too much. For to say that I am a single woman, I play taxicab to my
sister who has no car, running over to my parent's house to see my newest
nephew get into everything while his over there or to help mom with something.
I also have run over to the church for meetings or choir rehearsal,
and finally sometimes I have to do things for my business. Sometimes I
made the mistake of doing something that I should not have, such as getting
into an online argument with someone on Facebook because their views are
totally different from mine. When you finally un-friend them, they find a way
to message you anyway to finish out the argument five days after you have moved
on. How about this one: You made a charge on one of your credit
cards, and the company find a way to get you to pay for it years later, even
though you do not owe them anything and they want to sue. They cannot get
any money from you because you are unemployed, but you want to pay them just to
shut them up. Those are the other kind of mistakes. I am not
perfect and neither is the world. Have a blessed day, every