School's out. Time for summer vacations, graduations, and honoring fathers. In one month and 20 days will be my birthday (more on July later). For me, I am nearing the end of the fiscal year for both my businesses. It has been a stressful year, but a little bit easier than most. I am looking forward to my consultant's convention in at the end of July. Not sure if that gets me across the stage for the first time since I started selling Longaberger, but I will find out July 1st. It does not matter, because I made a personal goal that exceeded over $2,000 more than last year. last year, I was ready to quit. The recession has been hard on people who do direct selling. I feel I am now finally bouncing back from whatever fog I was in with this business.
As for my church, it is time for annual conference. This is the place where not only do you praise and worship God, but learn about the different missions that happened from July 2011 until now. If the church I am a member of receives a new minister, we would be introduced to him or her at that time. I am happy that our minister is not leaving. Not only is she my pastor, but she and her family have been long-time members of the congregation. Her husband grew up at Clair, as well as her daughter and grandchildren. She is a good leader, and I look forward to some of the continuing things we will do for, not only community, but people who live outside of the community as well.
I cannot believe that 2012 is almost half over and I feel like it is still January. In my family, I have a nephew who just turned 5, and he will be going to Kindergarten in September. Deonte was one of those early-rising children who used to woke up at the crack of dawn. he had been doing this since he was a baby. Now that it is almost time for him to go to real school, Deonte decides that it is time to sleep in. Go figure. My niece has never been an early riser. She will be 4 in September. My youngest nephew Leon will be a whole 2 years old in August, and has just decided that he is going to be stubborn, while his brother, the 16 year old know-it all named Michael is still into skateboarding and all things teen. Mike is trying to get a summer job. Overall, besides my parents celebrating 51 years of wedding bliss, and my sister turning 24 in July, everything seems normal for this family.
So how is your family's summer lining up? Is it the same old kids sitting there until they bore themselves out of their mind, or is there a family vacation in store for you. Whatever you do, make it fun and exciting for them. Make it fun for you too. Do not stress the small stuff. Make sure that everything is in place like plane tickets, hotel reservations, and attraction tickets. No one wants to be stuck and unhappy. Celebrate life and each other. If there isn't a father figure present for father's day, make some elderly gentleman happy by visiting a nursing home the day before. Be sure to get permission first. If you are part of a congregation, adopt a dad. I am honored that I still have my dad. If you are divorced and have children, make sure your children spend time with their dad. Just because you are not together, that does not mean you have to take it out on the children. Give them that chance to be together with their dad. they will thank you later for it. Have a great June, and I will talk with you later. God Bless you, and enjoy the start of summer.