Tuesday, June 19, 2012

To Pin or not to Pin, that Is The Question

I have a piece of poetry and it is not the greatest, so do not call me a poet, yet.  When I thought about what I was going to write about, not necessary a poem, the first thing I thought about was how much trouble I was having pinning a purple skirt from a blog.  I take pinning pictures for granted and got frustrated in the process.  In fact, I took Google Chrome for granted as well.  It is much easier to use than Internet Explorer.   Oh well, here is my poem about Pinterest.


Pinning pictures of everything you see of
Interesting things to behold as
Nothing is safe on the internet.
To see something, to pin something, telling
Everyone who happens to follow you of your find.
Racing to see who will pin that bowl of Jell-O first and who will pin it last.
Everything is such a mystery.
Social Media’s newest