Now for the top ten foods I could eat for the rest of my
I believe chocolate was one of the first complicated words I tried to
say or my mother craved it when I was developing inside the womb. Either way, I cannot remember a time that I
did not like chocolate. It does not
matter if it is ice cream, cookies, cakes, or pie. The more chocolate that is in the food, the
more I want it. I had to learn to eat it
in moderation (thanks
to my doctor who thinks no one should be deprived of the
foods they love)
Not See-food, Seafood, as in fish and shellfish. I eat two kinds: The kind that needs to be cooked and
Sushi. I feel in love with sushi later
on, and love it. The only thing I have
not tried is Oysters Rockefeller, or Oysters on the half-shell. Both are raw, and I cannot get past the
slim. Other than that, I love fish and
I am sorry, Vegans, but I love my meat, especially chicken. I used to be a true steak person, but I love
Sweets in general. Again, my mom must have crave this stuff the
nine months before I was born, but I love sweets.
I lived in California for 6 years, and during this time, my babysitter’s
mother hooked me on homemade tortillas.
I would go over to her house, and Mrs. Edwards would have a fresh batch
of tortillas waiting for me to eat. Her
daughter, Nellie babysat me, which was a relief for my mom, because she could
get the house done. In fact I have some
in my fridge now. It is not the same as
Mrs. Edwards. RIP, Mrs. Edwards, and gracias,
for the homemade tortillas.
Pork rinds.
I am not sure what got me hooked on these dry things, but if you never
had them before, be sure to have a drink with you at all times. After two bites, you will need it, but I
live it. Honorary mention is Funions and
Munchos, and I will severely cry the day they get discontinued.
Mickey bars.
You can only get them in one place to have the right ratio of ice cream
shaped Mickey Mouse head to chocolate, and that is at the Disney Parks. I am sorry, but to me, the ones in the
grocery stores are fakes in my opinion.
Also if I cannot get a Mickey Bar, there is the tollhouse cookie
sandwich. Ice cream sandwiched between two nestle tollhouse cookies. I want one now.
Churros. The
best place to get them next to an authentic Mexican Café is at the Disney
Parks. My only caution to eating them is
watch out for the seagulls. I have heard
they love them too, but one has not gotten to churro I purchased yet. Please no sauce. Eat them au natural.
I have been loving noodles since I could walk. So the honorable mention here is Italian food. Love it too.
10. Coffee.
Although technically not a food, I love
my designer coffee, but I have learned to make it so it will not cost me an arm
and a leg. I have a Keurig Coffee maker
(even though any pod or cup type maker will do), I have my sugar, creamer with
flavoring, and if I want to be super fancy, I have my chocolate nibs. (You can get them in the bulk section of the
grocery store-you need a small clear container, no more). If chocolate does not thrill you, there are
peanut butter and butterscotch nibs too.
The only time I really buy into the whole Starbucks thing is if I am out
and I have the craving, or on vacation.
I have not been to McDonald's

Well that is it for my food.
I will let you know that I do try to eat a balanced healthy diet. Comment challenge: What are some of your favorite foods that you
could eat all day? Tell me about it in
the comments section.
Be blessed my friend, because you are a person who tries to
make right food choices. Take care.