Sunday, March 17, 2013

Advertising on my blogs

Disclaimer:  This is not an inspirational post by any means.

Up to now, the only thing I have in terms of advertising on my blogs are any affiliates that I endorse or that are run by Adsense.  So far, no good.  No one is hardly clicking, and I am stuck on $34, which is a total of 5 blogs, Hubpages, and YouTube.  After all, a girl has got to eat around here.  I can sit here and beg, beg, beg, but that could and will turn some people off.  So, I am going to start having advertisements on my page from people.  I have not set up the pages yet, and it is going through PassionFruit.  I will let people know on each blog (and soon to come website (Over a year in the making ) who I am looking for in an advertiser.  If you are a business person, start thinking about if this is a good fit for you...

Below are my Blogs:

My Ambiance Life:   You are presently here.   I am looking for people who freelance anything:  Writers, Artists, speakers mostly.  State who you looking to work with and what you do (article writing, blogs, jewelry maker, scrapbooker, etc)

Simply Organized Crafts:  Even though I have not written anything in over a month on this blog, I do writing in it more than you know.   This blog is mainly on tips that deal with the house.   I have the blog, and I am working on the website to which the blog with be attached to.  I have not decided if I am going to make the advertising page on the blog side or the website side.  I will let you know.  In either case, I am looking for people who give tips and or services that have to do with organizing, interior decorating, cooking, and financial advise.  I do have a little tech knowledge on there, but I am finding that it deserves its own blog, but I have not decided if or when I am going to start that.  For now, tech has been put on the blog side of Simply Organized Crafts.

P. Lynne Designs.  This used to be named MDN Creates, and I felt like I have out grown this name.  This is my scrapbooking business.   I offer tips and tricks to creating the most beautiful pages on a budget, as well as making cards of all sizes, and altering things like notebooks, clothes pins, and boxes.  I also show what I made, in hopes to inspire the crafter in all of us, or at least try to.  In the near future (or when I get the money) I will become a Stampin! Up Demonstrator, and that will be present as well.   I am looking for like minded business people who do craft (it does not have to be paper crafting) who are looking for a way to get their business out there.

Tricia's Baskets.  This is my Longaberger business.  I am an Independent Longaberger Home Consultant, and that will not go away when I start demoing Stampin! Up.  I show people on this blog how to decorate, organize, and entertain with the products, as well as any specials the company has or of they want to join my team and the Longaberger family of consultants.   For this blog, I will be honest and wrestled with it a bit.  I want new customers and I want people to come to my team if they want to sell Longaberger products, but would I be taking that away from me if I invite other direct selling companies to advertise on this blog.  No I will not, so this the type of business person I am looking for....consultants of any direct selling company, except adult companies.  Sorry, I do have to draw the line somewhere, and I do have family friendly blogs.  I am sure there is a place for companies like Passion Parties, but I do not want to draw attention to that either.

Traveling to the Mouse's House is my last one in the blog area.   This blog is about traveling to Disney, and money saving tips that makes even the most budget conscience person want to go.   I drawing my inspiration from three trip experience to Walt Disney World, and several trips to Disneyland, as well as what is trending at the parks, and my own spin of what other bloggers writing about on their blogs.  I also draw inspiration from my current planning to visiting the resort in December 2013, and the obstacles I am facing with a family of 10 (4 adults, 3 children, 1 teen, and 2 seniors).  This is frustrating at its finest.  I am looking for travel agents who not only specializing in Disney travel but any travel.   If you specialize in giving advise to travelers, that would be nice too.

Now, what do you get when you advertise with me:   That is the mystery part, but I will spill soon.  I do know this, If you do, you get to guest post on my blogs.  This means exposure to your site and your business.  You will get to link back to your site, that means more exposure.   If you have a video, even better, and more exposure there too. When you have more exposure there is more money.

Now there is a price to advertising as well.  Did I mention earlier that a girl's got to eat?  Do not worry, I will also offer free spots if you are just starting out, but those will come on a first come, first serve basis. Same with the other spots, but either way, you will get to advertise if you want the exposure.  So if you are just starting, get you ads ready.  I want to start around the mid April if I can, and the ads will run for the rest of the year.  Starting January 2014, you will get a full year, but the price may not change. I will send you details via email or in a Facebook message.  
Well, go to go.   Talk to you later, and have a blessed day.
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