I am very sorry I am late with this post. Easter is almost gone and I do not have a
thing to write. That is not true. I was busy.
My day went just like most Christians on this day. It was a day of reflection. Not self-reflection of sorts, but a
reflection on one person named Jesus, and what he did for you and for me.
In case you do not know the Easter story, let me explain to
you in a few sentences, if you do not mind.
First of all, the story is told in the following text of the Bible: Matthew 28: 1-20, Mark 16:1-19, Luke 24:1-53,
and John 20: 1-22;25. I will go over
highlights. Jesus was considered a
prophet by all accounts. He healed the
sick, raised the dead, and perform miracles such as feeding the 5000 with only
2 fish and 3 loaves of bread. Well, it
did not set well with the high priests of the area, so they plotted to have
Jesus killed. So they contacted Pilate
to have Jesus arrested and bring him to trial.
Jesus knew of this, because this was foretold according to the
scriptures. In fact, He spoke of this
during the last supper. After He had the
last meal with his disciples, He told them that Peter will deny Jesus three
times before the rooster crows, and Judas will betray Him. Jesus prayed in the garden for God to take
this burden off of Him, but at the end of the prayer, Jesus said to God, “not
my will, but thy will be done.” At that
time, Roman soldiers along with Judas came to take Jesus to Pilate.
At the trial, Pilate asked crowd to release Jesus and have a
man named Barabbas crucified, because he found no fault in the things Jesus
did, but the crowd wanted Jesus dead. So
Pilate pleased the crowd, and a crown of thorns was placed on His head, and he
was given a purple robe. Jesus was given
a cross to carry, but the weight had gotten too much for Him, so a man
volunteered to carried it for Him. Once
they got to the place to put the cross, Jesus was placed between two
thieves. During that time, soldiers tormented
Jesus, and even asked at one point,” If you are the Son of God, why don’t you
save yourself?” Jesus did not say anything to them. At the end, Jesus hung His head, and died. This is only the beginning. The rest of the story is what happened after
He died. The curtain in temple was torn
into two; there was thunder, lighting, and an earthquake. Only then did people believed that Jesus was
the Son of God. Three days later, Jesus rose again.
The stone of the tomb he was in was rolled away. Now Jesus did not have to do this, but He
fulfilled a promise according to the Old Testaments. For that alone, I am glad that Jesus died for
all of our sins. It is a wonderful
feeling to know that he cared so much.
Well, after church service, I ate at my parent’s house and
we sat around. I was sleepy, but perked
up when my brother came by with his youngest child. My brother and fiancee was expecting their
second, and now it is not going to happen.
My prayers go out to them. They
had only found out two weeks ago that she was pregnant. After he and the baby left to go home, we ate
some dessert, watched the Amazing Race and The Good Wife.
Well th at was my Easter and my lesson. I will talk to you later.