Subtitle-how to use rewrite software
I want to interrupt your normal reading of this blog for a
very important message:
No, I mean it this time.
I have been meaning to move it to a WordPress platform for some time,
made several announcements only to not do it, and frankly for even me, it is
getting quite annoying. This is one of
the reasons why I do not have traffic on this blog anymore. I am working on that. Later on this blog post. I promise…..
That is not why this post is being interrupted
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Today, I want to talk to you about one of the bad subjects
in the writing world, and that is rewrites.
After all, the world is full of rewrites, redo, remakes, sequels, and so
forth. There is nothing so far that has
been done that has not to be tested, tried, fried, dyed, laid to the side. Oops, wrong subject and wrong blog (At Home
with Tricia's Baskets needs to address this subject on hair). But the point is that if it has not been on the market before now, THEN it is new.
Otherwise, it has been done before, EXCEPT in a different way.
I am currently working on a blog post called “How to write a
500-Word Blog Post” or “How to start a blog”, depending on which title I am
going with. It is my new, “I am not
writing like I am mass-producing blog post” campaign challenge I am giving
myself for 2020. Here is the backstory:
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Image by skeeze from Pixabay
(Pensive Female)
Tip: If
you are feeling bored with your blog, do a re-evaluation. Do not beat yourself up about it, just find the
places that need improving, even if it means to start over with a fresh
Now, before you start saying to yourself, “she is going in a
different direction and talking about something else”, the answer is “no, I am
not”. I love all my subjects on all of
my blogs. From writing about “how to
write a blog post” to “journaling” and now adding using planners with your
writing with My Ambiance Life, Traveling to Disney to homelife and organizing
with At Home with Tricia's Baskets, and finally crafting tutorials and product
reviews with P. Lynne Designs, there will no change in that. I was unhappy with my approach to these subjects. If I change anything about the
subjects it would be to split At Home with Tricia's Baskets to where the
traveling would be separated from the homelife and organizing sections, making
it two blogs again.
I decided that I did not like the flow of the “500-word blog
post” post, so I turned to a blog post rewriting software program or site. I must say that it was an eye-opener, and
depending on how I feel, I may do it again.
Word has a feature now that allows you to rewrite a line or a whole
post, but I do not think that is how this feature works, and I have to research
it a little more.
This is when I came across the word, Well-nigh, which sounds
like something that a British person would say, not an American, still wet
behind the ears writer like me. The word
is an adverb, and it means “almost”. So
I am going to show you two sentences from my post that I am still working on to
see how this word is being used.
This is the original sentence:
“Have you ever wanted to write something you are passionate
about or have a unique skill that others crave they had?”
Now for the rewritten one:
“Have you overly wanted to write well-nigh something you are
passionate well-nigh or have a unique skill that others require they had?”
“Dear rewrite
software maker:
I do not think that in my original sentence I did not have
the word “almost” in it. Why do I need
to use the word, well-nigh”?”
This is what I would ask the website creators. This is one of the sentences, and believe it
or not, “well-nigh” is used a couple of times throughout the post.
Then I decided that I must replace the word. Now, keep in mind that what I was about to
use was Word’s synonym checker. This was
against the website’s rewrite copy of my post.
The words used were:
Just about
I am sorry to say this but just about every word in this word list does not match to what I was trying to convey in the original sentence or
the entire post.
Tip: The first sentence in a post after the title should set the tone for the rest of the
piece. It is not the means that ends it
all, but it should give your reader some idea of what you are trying to arrive
at. Your title tells the reader about your
subject matter.
So, what am I trying to say about rewrite software, websites, and all related items:
I have nothing again rewrites at all IF it is your original
and YOU wrote it. What I have a problem with has to do with plagiarizing: Those that do it are too lazy to come up with
their own articles for their own blogs.
Now before I get any further, this is different from ghostwriting and
guest posting.
With Ghostwriting, the original author is willing to not take
the credit for anything they produce for you or your company. The only difference with the post, article,
or book is the original author’s name is not on the byline, the individual or
the individual’s company is on the byline.
This is not considered cheating at all, and in the contract, you draw up
with the author, it states that the author is not allowed to use the copy on
their blog o resell it if the post is in book form. It is now considered the property of the
individual and cannot be contested in court.
Guest posting is when the author agrees to post an article
for your site. It works the same way as
if the post was written on their blog. It
is not considered a rewrite, but the author can do a rewrite of that article
for their own blog post.
Cons to rewriting a blog:
As I stated before, rewritten posts can be a problem if a
person plagiarizes the original post.
Say you want to write an article about cats and the benefits
of being a cat mommy or daddy. You have
never owned a cat and you have not interviewed a person who owns a cat. You just thought it was a good idea because
cat ownership is a trending topic because everyone is doing it. So, you decided to do some research on the
subject of cat ownership, and in your research, you find this great article online about me loving being a cat aunt.
Gizmo is not mine, she belongs to my nephew and his girlfriend who both
live with me. (True story) Instead of emailing me to as if I would give an
interview on why Gizmo makes me happy (and I would be happy to do an interview,
BTW), you take my article, use a rewrite software, and have it rewrite the
whole article for your blog. This is
still considered stealing. It may not
look like the same post to the naked eye, but if I run across it, and it sounds
like the same post I wrote, I could sue you.
This is one of the reasons why I do not like them.
So, use rewrite software and websites with a grain of salt. Use them for your own posts to do a
comparison on which version of your post you like better. When you read the rewrite, make sure that the
copy flows the same way that the original flows, if not, change it within the rewritten
copy or be willing to combine the two. Never use it to copy someone’s idea and post. If
you do, you could come off as a lazy writer, or you will be hearing from the
original author’s lawyer. If you are a
writer, there are ways to check to see if someone is copying your work or if
you have copied a passage that sounds like someone’s work. This will be the subject for this topic next time
That is all I have to say at this time. Next subject….
Traffic and Promotion
This is one area that I have the most problems with. It is not that I do not get it, it is… well….
Let me explain.
I am currently on Blogger, in reality, it does not matter
what platform you are on, as long as you do the following:
Write consistently, meaning GET A SCHEDULE!
Promote what you write. Meaning promoting your work on social media, groups of
social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram). Even
YouTube and newsletter count.
OK, I get it. What I
do not get is how many subscribers, followers, viewers, or visitors you need to have
on your blog visiting daily, weekly, and monthly in order for brands to even
consider you to write a sponsored post.
For months, and sometimes even now, I am baffled to the number of clicks
needed and so on. On social media, you
cannot lie about these numbers. You can sometimes
exaggerate the numbers on your actual blog, but not on social media. The brand liaison can look at your profile
and tell if you have over 1000 viewers or not.
My question is often, “why so many?” It is the same question I ask about
my credit score, “why 800”, but that is another question for another day, and I
am not a financial guru, so I will leave the question here. But, if anyone knows to “why I need a score
of 800 to have a chance to get a new home?”, comment below, and I will try to
understand it.
Tip 2:
Write consistently, meaning get a schedule
Promote what you write
I want to go over this more in detail.
This is obvious. Get into the practice of constantly writing
something if you are not used to it. It
does not matter if it is digital (computer) or pen and paper, but write
something. This is where I suggest that
you get a writing journal, and write down things such as goals you want to
achieve in the year or in your life, a bucket list, decorating or organizing
pieces in your home or office, even spiritual aspirations and affirmations.
Write them in paragraph form, a proper
paragraph form. This means correct spelling, grammar, and the whole nine
yards. The reason for this practice is
one day you may have to write something for business, or you might get a
promotion on your job. Anyway, companies
do not understand the need to write “Tyme” for “time” and other things like
that. It may be good for social media,
but not good for business. Plus, some
readers do not like reading blogs that have mistakes in them.
Write consistently, meaning get a schedule
One of the problems I do have is
being consistent with my writing. I get
on a roll, and for a while, it seems like I have a habit of staying on that
schedule. Then I have a falling off
period, and I do not write for a while. This
comes with discouragement. I want to have big numbers, but I also want to
see the comments as well. One tip I find that helps with every time a person
views a YouTube video in the comments.
The vlogger always asks viewers to like the video, comment, subscribe to
the channel, and share the video. Well, I
am good at doing just that on my YouTube channel, but the same is not said on
my blogs.
For schedules, you do not have to
write every day, which is what some bloggers strive for. Do not kill yourself to try to get a blog
post out every single day. You also have
a life as well. For 2020, I am going to
try to get both blogs and videos out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each
Promote what you write:
Promote your writing. It goes back to what I said earlier in this piece. It also does not matter if you are an
established author, guest poster, or even if you are a ghostwriter. Use your social media outlets as mentioned
before to promote your work. It is crucial,
especially if you are looking for clients for freelance writing, or if you are
trying to drum up sales. If you an
author, have book signings. People love
getting that first edition of your book.
If you are writing more than one book in the future (think Steven King
or a Star Trek series of books), your first edition could be worth some money before
and after you have died. It may not mean
much to you, but it may mean something to the person who owns a copy of your
first written a book or your family.
Wow, this was a long post, the first of many, many long
posts. Let me know in the comments what
you think of my 2000+ words per post. I will not get mad, I promise.
Before I was about to upload this post, I was looking for some further inspiration for the word and meaning of the word re-write. I failed to issue a positive aspect of the word. I ran upon several books on Amazon that suggests a different look at this word. Look at the word and meaning of the word to make a character stronger than before. In other words, in fiction and creative writing, if you made the character seem week to the reader, the rewrite would make that same character stronger. so in this case, a rewrite is warranted.
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