One day, I will have another lifestyle blog so I can relieve this one. What is the hold-up
? Glad you asked, let see:
· Panicky sister with no car, again
· Aging parents
· Creation of products
· My health
· Organizing my home to live in and eventually move
You name it. No really, I am ok with all this busyness. It keeps me on my toes and keeps my writing sharp. After all, you cannot write if you do not have something to write about, right?
Some may ask, why don’t I write at night? Well, it is simple as during the day, I have the above mentioned, plus, my body is the type of body that when the sun goes down, so does my brain. I think better during the day, and I am finally in the process of switching my schedule to designing at night.
I am a handmade, content, and direct selling person. What does that mean, you may ask?
I have mentioned this several times, but the handmade portion is graphic design, cards, stationery products (note cards, invites, RSVP products), and scrapbooks and journals. This is what P. Lynne Designs started out as. It was the beginning of a beautiful and not so beautiful relationship.
The content portion is these blogs and freelance writing. I fell into this portion of my career. This is how you get to find out about my passions, my hang-ups, my heart aches, and my inspirations. This is where you find out how I feel about Disney, Abby Lee Miller, and Cricut die cutting machines for starters. This is where you find out about latest hang-ups I have about the treatment of others for ALL races. This is where I have figured out that I was doing too much in this area and had to cut it out (no more hang-ups about these things, only happy outcomes).
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Even turtles know when they are stuck. (c) 2017 P.Lynne Designs |
Direct selling, which is separate from the other two is all about Longaberger and its products. This is where I first got started thinking about selling anything. Sure, I sold the typical Girl Scout cookies, magazines, and other products for high school. Who hasn’t, but Longaberger was the first as an adult. I was not crazy about the jobs I had in the past and that’s ok. I was still working REGULAR 9-5 at the time I started. I will be completely leaving Longaberger by June 2019 with a backup “B” plan. When you get your feet wet of selling your own products, the rest seem to slowly go away, and that’s happening to me. I still love the products, but I feel I can do more in the entrepreneur area.
So, what is the “Technical Thursday” about anyway? This is something that I have been working on all summer. Today is all about (sort of your takeaway for today):
1. Find your why. It may take the whole season (like summer) to find out why you do what you do. You may have to do this several times in your life. That is ok, everyone is always transitioning into someone else. You are different from you were when you were 2, 10, 40, 60, or even as a senior. It is good to re-evaluate yourself. You have different likes throughout your life. Nothing stays the same.
2. Once you find it, ask yourself, “do you want to stay in that space?” Some people get content when there is something that is familiar to them. It is like an old comfy sweater. It may have holes in it, it may not fit anymore, but they love it the same way. I have a pair of pajama bottoms like that. Sometimes you must say to yourself, “do I want more?”, and toss them away. You will miss the old ways at first, but as you get comfortable with a new way of doing things, you may enjoy it. If not, change it.
3. Give it a test drive. Try the new way for a few weeks, or give yourself a goal of trying it for 6 months to a year. If you find out that you are dissatisfied with it, tweak it, or try a new way.
I am learning how to:
· Saying “no”. It is not that I will not do anything for anyone, and it depends on what it is. I am saying “no” to people’s pity parties, whining, accusations of things I did not agree to do in the first place, and things like that.
· Saying “Yes”. I will do things that benefit my business, but it will also benefit that person I am saying yes to. I had two friends who needed invites for their parties this past month. I did them because it benefits them, and I get to dust off Photoshop and have something for my portfolio. (They did pay me, by the way). I will comfort someone who needs it. I will give encouragement and will help a friend (or stranger) in need.
· Not be a pity party myself. I realize that I am a single person with no kids (still working on both), and my time for adopting someone is winding down (I think the maximum age for adopting children in the state of Ohio is 54 or 55). I also realize that building things around the house has never been my strength (even though I have managed to put up a shelf or two around here). I am always ready to whine about something, but now I think about “does it benefit for anyone to hear about it?” If it does, fine, they may have a solution for me, I need to ask nicely and use my “big girl voice”. If not, shut up, and figure it out myself. Nothing gets solve on a whine anyway. (Not even with the drinkable stuff, LoL).
· To constantly move. It is easy to sit at the computer and do nothing (read social media, play games). I have things to do and people to see. Yes, when I am in pain, it is easy to do, but if I do not move around, it will be worst, plus I have bills to pay and money to save.
So that is it for now. Technical Thursday is all about you and what you can bring to your world and to others. I decided not to preach to you today, but have a sensible post that explains a few things to you, and how you can make things a little better for you and yours. (Oh, I am going to be dinged so bad by Grammarly and Word on that last sentence, but I am leaving it in). I will pick back up to my usual writing starting in the middle of September. I am still in vacation writing mode.