Scrapbooks-both using the commercial albums that
are out there, and making mini books, journals, and folios, as well as art
Greeting and note cards
Alternative items. In case you are wondering what that is, most
people call it Upcycling. It is where
you decorate something to make it a different piece to function differently or
function the same.
Anyway, that is the basics of what I do, but lately, I have
been feeling a little stuck. My Etsy
shop has the same old 5 items in it and I have not written for someone in about
2-3 months. You would think that I have
gobs of money in my account. Nope, ask
me later on how I cope. If you are freelancing,
sometimes it is OK to hit a dry spell, right?
Not really. If you are a writer,
a cook, or a crafter, you need to remember that you need to put food on the
table. You have bills to pay, people to
entertain (for those with kids), and it would be nice to not work in your
jammies every once in a while.
So how do you earn that extra $1,000 a week, if you still
have a job, or if you going at it full time, have the ability to buy at least
toothpaste? Simple, start small. Sometimes, you have to except projects that
pay low or nothing at all, and you need to build from there. That is what I am tackling for the next few
posts and the first one is on the rate you expect your clients to pay you for
your services.
I saw this article in Carol Tice’s website, and it is called
things you can do to grow your freelance writing-now. She covers writing, but after looking at this
article, I feel that it would apply to any freelance job. Freelancing, in case you are not familiar
with the title, is just a fancy way of saying, self-employed. You are working for yourself. You have a time clock, but it is in your head,
and you can report to work any time you feel like it. I do not recommend it, because just like a
9-5 job, the money you earn allows you freedom to do anything you want. Well not anything, but you get the idea.
With that being said, she gives 3 these tips on rates:
- Tell
your clients your rates are going up.
- Raise
your rates for new clients.
- Raise
your rates every year in the fall, to take effect the following year.
OK, you are probably telling me, “Tricia, that is all well
and good, but I am just starting out, and besides that, I am doing a project
for Aunt Millie, and I really do not want to charge her.” I thought the same way, and if you are just
starting, I can see why you do not want charge a lot for work at first. For me, it is ok to do a project for Aunt
Millie, the neighbor you have been friends with for 20 years, or your church,
but at some point, you cannot do every project at low-no cost. Again, you have to eat and pay bills. There is also nothing wrong with bartering
either, just as long as it is equal to the amount of services you give a
Upon my own research one of the problems that freelancers
have is “what is my work worth to my client?”
This means are your skills top notch to the point of charging a rate to
begin with? That is something that you
have to ask yourself. Start by listing
your skills. I will use myself as a
Creative in
Needle crafts
Candle making
Card making
Altering items
An eye for detail
Journal making
People skills
Good listener
Follows directions well
I only listed a few, but note that I did not list just the
physical skills, but things that would tell a new client what they need to know
about me. So, the things that you
learned in Preschool and Kindergarten do matter.
Next, check out the rates of people who do the same
thing. In the corporate world, it is
called checking out the competition. If
you are new to this, you can call to ask questions on how that person charges similar
services. For example, when I started,
I checked everyone in custom scrapbooking.
I looked at their websites, and made note of the basic rates. I looked at the years of experience, comments,
and if they charged by the hour or per job.
Most custom scrapbookers and card makers charge by the piece. Most writers charge per word. For example:
an 8.5 x 11” scrapbook could run $7.50 per page. So a 20-page scrapbook, without the fluff (no
embellishments) can run about $150 (USD).
An example of a 791 page doc (the point where I typed 791), at $.10(USD)
per word, could run a client $79.10.
Last, ask yourself, can I live off charging $150 for a
scrapbook and $79.10 for a document, using the same examples? Probably not, which is a good idea not to
quit your day job just yet. Keep in mind
when charging your rates that there is no such thing as an overnight
sensation. You have to build up to the
reputation, and that is why Ms. Tice suggest that you change your rates every
fall to go into effect by January. So
how do you quit your day job? Well,
that is the next step in this process called freelancing, and the subject of my
next post.