(Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
This is part 2 of my Fourth of July weekend.
When I wrote part 1, I was in my aunt’s home office. I really was ready to stretch out my wings
of this world of the internet, marrying my smartphone hotspot connection with
my IPad, and “Old School” won by a landslide.
Rule #1: When they say that a 2
year old smartphone with bad reviews can connect you anywhere to the world in a
matter of seconds with your tablet or laptop, run far, far, away. I am on the family plan at Verizon, and dad
thinks I can replace the phone next month, Hooray!!! My aunt has Wi-Fi, but could not remember
the password. I thought that it might
be her phone number. Not likely so.
Anyway, Thursday was typical 4th of July
festivities (food and fireworks), except for one thing and that is rule
#2: please remember when you have a
child under the age of 4, most of the time, they not like the loud noise. My cousin at the age of 11 lit the fireworks
after dinner, and watching them on the back patio was wonderful, except my
nephew did not like the noise. That is
something I will have to consider when we head to Disney World in
December. He will be 3 years old by
December 1st, but for now, at age 2, he was hold his little ears
closed. It was just the 7 of us this
time, in December it will be hopefully 10 of us.
Friday was getting together with older relatives day. We visited my mother’s cousin, who lives 2
hours from my aunt, and they are in their 80s.
As much as it may pain you to listen to them, learn about your family’s
history as much as you can. That is
rule #3. They have so much to offer and
it does not matter if you have heard about what your parent and cousin “What’s Their
Name Again” did in Junior high, it gives you a sense of heritage and how far
the family has grown since that time.
Saturday, we visited my grandparent’s gravesites. They are buried next to each other, and even
though I do not like to talk about death, it is a part of life. You know there has been a lot of talk lately
about Paula Deen’s upbringing, and how she justified everything she did up
until her firing from Food TV Network. This ties into my grandparents’ burial. They are buried in Alabama, the Deep
South. South of Mason-Dixon Line. Paula is from Georgia, another part of the
Deep South. The cemetery next to the cemetery
that my grandparents are in, is nicely kept, grass mowed (probably 5 times a
day), flowers on every gravesite, while the area where my grandparents are
hardly has seen a lawn mower in a few weeks, and there are very few flowers at
the gravesites. My mom stepped in an ant
bed. One side is the White side and the
side where my grandparents are is the African American side. The city and the county (called Moundville
(city) and Hale (county)) refuse to take down the fence that separates the two,
and this is 2013. This is why I do not
have no love for the south, Alabama or Georgia, but I do have respect for the
remaining relatives who decide to live there.
After that, we went to a get together at my youngest uncle’s house, and
we sat, talked, ate, while the children played outside. Rule #4:
Appreciate the past, no matter how bad it was, just appreciate it, and move
Part 3 is coming up
in a few… this is the end of part 2. Be blessed