I love mom blogs. I especially love the ones that give
advice to everyone. Oh do not get me wrong, this is not a rant post like
the last one. I do apologize for my wording on that post. More on
that apology on another day.
Really, you can
learn a lot from mom blogs, especially if you are a woman. I get great
recipes, organizational tips, financial advice, and how to decorate your house,
while having a baby on your hip and one in school. One of the best
advises I have gotten from mommy bloggers is how to take care of
yourself. The reason why I am saying
this, is because as a single person with no one living with me, I tend to
forget about time, because I do not have that 2-year old that needs to be
changed, a husband who needs me to do something with him, or that I need to
attend a parent-teacher conference while in the middle of a product review
deadline. Other than reminders that I
am hungry or that I have to go to bed to prepare for the next day, my time
management is shot. No folks, I don’t
have a pet to keep me warm and fuzzy inside.
I do belong to many mom groups, because they have accepted the
fact that I do not have a child living with me 27/7/365 days out of the year. I have what they want, and I read intently and
respond as best that I can. That does
not mean I do not want to be one. At 48,
that is still a goal I want to achieve before I die. No really, I have a thinking “bucket list” in
my head of things I want to accomplish before I die, and being a mother is one
of them. I have several posts on this
blog on why I still want to and what was the cause of being childless in the
first place, so I will not rehash it on this post. What I do have is a niece who I love to do
girly things with (since I want a girl), and three nephews in various ages that
I can practice on. Being an aunt is both
a joy and a curse for me, because they do go home at the end of the day, and it
is just me.
On my Simply Organized Crafts blog, I do offer my wisdom on
how to do many of the things that some of these mom blogs (not all are focused
on the household) do offer their readers.
The difference is there aren't too many articles on family. I am currently not dating either, which is a
choice I did not make either. I just do
not go too many places that I have opportunity to meet a man, and I do not like
dating sites. Again, this is another
personal goal of mine.
While I do enjoy reading this type of blog, sometimes I do wish
that there was an article or two that focuses on the woman herself, and not on
trying to find time after the 4-year takes a nap, or how to find time for your
mate. The other day, I realized that
these women write about what they know.
What they know is to be part of a family, the challenges of finding that
time of being mommy, wifey (as my sister says), or a partner to another person,
as well as being an individual. So
while I might have women who envy me because I am still single, and they would
love to recapture that singlehood they lost when they were married or had a
baby at age 18, let us all strive just to be happy within ourselves. No one said that being single is a bed of
roses, nor being married with children is happiness on a silver platter. We all need to find balance, and in the meantime,
I want to say thank you to those women who own these blogs or have online
groups that allow single, childless women play on the same playground with
married with children women. As an
aunt, I am getting the best advice of them all…. How to handle a brother/sister
tag team who ask for everything in sight and an older brother/much younger
brother bonded in love. Now, how do you
handle a 2 ½ year old who is afraid of the automatic garage door opener?